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What Is Murketing And How Do Brands Use It?

| Published on February 21, 2023

What Is Murketing And How Do Brands Use It?

What is ” Murketing”?

Murketing is an advertising tactic that avoids making direct product sales in favour of concentrating on whimsies like marketing buzz, brand identification, and notoriety. The objective is to establish a brand image that seems unconcerned with whether or not the buyer buys it, while also generating excitement or a “scene” around the product. Murketing was thus invented.

Usage and Origin

Rob Walker, a writer, created the term “murketing,” a combination of the words “murky” and “marketing.” He also frequently referred to it as “The Marketing of No Marketing,” or murketing. The term “muddling” originally appears in Walker’s novel “Buying In”: The Hidden Conversation Between What We Purchase and Who We Are, published in 2008. He claims to have created the phrase while working on a story for Outdoor Magazine in Cuba to characterize the “murky marketing” practiced by Red Bull in supporting a kyteboarding competition. The phrase is now used by media critics to call attention to misleading marketing strategies as well as in marketing and promotional circles. A corporation often responds to an unexpected market opportunity by targeting its advertising to new clients.

How do brands use murketing for Success?

Pabst Blue Ribbon & Red Bull are two firms that established marketing strategies and achieved significant success.

What Is Murketing And How Do Brands Use It?

PBR, a typically blue-collar heartland beer, started to experience significant sales increases among rockers and skater types who were captivated by the company’s apparent lack of interest in pushing its product on the customer. It found out that rather than being a creation of the company’s marketing, the anti-establishment atmosphere that surrounded it was produced by the customers themselves.

Smart PBR marketers did, however, take advantage of their newfound fame by purposefully refraining from promoting to maintain their brand-less reputation. Instead of aggressively promoting its goods, the corporation hosted events at independent and art shows to cater to its real target clientele. Because of this, drinking PBR came to symbolize revolt against “the man,” although these corporations were essentially simply comparable ones with different marketing gimmicks. We don’t care if you purchase our beer accept or reject, PBR told the customer, but check at all these businesses that DO. Are they so desperate? Such an amazing marketing paradox.

What Is Murketing And How Do Brands Use It?

Red Bull also had success with a same marketing strategy. At first a little-known energy drink in Europe, it gained recognition as a result of its diversification and marketing strategies. Red Bull could attract twice as many consumers by putting itself in the extreme sports & nightlife industries, using two different marketing strategies. Their key was their uniqueness, which kept us out of the way and let them preserve a cool, exclusive reputation. Red Bull will sponsor both skateboarding competitions and club events, catering to both demographics without coming off as an ad. The moral of the tale, which I believe we all already know, is that you must have a Red Bull before you leave for a partying or backflip off of an aeroplane.


Murketing is an excellent strategy because, rather than concentrating on the promotion of the product, it concentrates on people coming together for unconnected events that, thanks to the brand’s presence, generate buzz as well as a society around the product.

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