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Entrepreneurs’ Personal Branding: How To Stand Out In A Busy Market & Boost Your Business

In this authored piece, Sakshi Darpan, Founder, SackBerry, highlights the importance of Personal Branding for entrepreneurs. She also suggests some of the ways in which the same helps one build a unique positioning in the fast paced and competitive market as well as creates opportunities which help in building customer loyalty and driving business growth.

| Published on July 29, 2024

Personal branding as an idea has been gaining more and more business people’s interest since the onset of the global COVID-19 pandemic. That being said, it is today that people are better understanding that the same is the most important asset in a modern world.

Branding is a tool to communicate to masses and could be termed as a reputation held by the brand of the company or product. Highly effective personal branding is the means by which you can market yourself and the company you work for to your personal advantage to give greater visibility to your brand.

This piece is aimed at showing how personal branding can be a key advantage for entrepreneurs bringing some fruitful results in their businesses and how a personal brand can be built to show a brighter image among the many mores.

Making Your Mark In A Crowded Field

  1. Identifying Your Unique Selling Point: Owning a brand means identifying the features that make it different from others. Therefore, they should take a cue from the existing brands in their industry that are contributing to the development and growth of networks with their customers by constantly modeling themselves as an example. A mark of excellence and one of the things that most ignores among the entrepreneurs is the identification of a USP.
  2. Discover Your Personal Niche: Focus on that single area or aspect of business where you are particularly great and able to offer sufficient expertise or skills. The more specialized you have become, the more your target audience will be able to recognize and remember you.
  3. Show Strengths: Identify and show what makes you different and what is your strong point. It should be at the core of your personal brand—these elements of your personality, expertise, and approach to problem-solving.
  4. Create Your Personal Brand: Your personal brand will help set you apart from others. Share your journey, challenges, and successes

Developing an Online Persona

Today, you need to have a strong online persona. For entrepreneurs, different online platforms should be used to create and showcase their personal brand.

  1. Professional Website: Create a website that lets others see what you have done, what you offer, and how you can be contacted. A good design website is where everything online emanates and works as your digital business card.
  2. Social Media Interactions: Participate in the communication and posting on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Share your comments under posts and get involved with other professionals. Always share information that will improve your authority at all times.
  3. Content Creation: Create outstanding and informative content such as webinars, podcasts, videos, and blog posts. Sharing some of the things learned over the years, or even from experience about a given situation, can position a person to be an expert in their field.

Personal branding in business works well when a lot of trust and credibility is built between the business and consumers. Here’s how a strong personal brand helps influence the following factors:

  1.  Keep the same message across all platforms to nail your brand. When the customers see something that is consistent, they can relate better and get used to trusting you as well as your business.
  2. Authenticity Matters: One comes a long way in his interactions in building trust if he is genuine and transparent. If people perceive a subject as authentic and someone to trust, it creates the magic of their communicating back.
  3. Establish thought leadership: By establishing thoughts and views on the industry, one demonstrates competence in their field and, thus, is considered authoritative. Customers are more likely to go for your products or services if they perceive you as knowledgeable and credible.

A strong personal branding creates opportunity in a number of different ways. Some of them are discussed below:

  1. Networking: When a personal brand is strong, there is a high likelihood that other likeminded professionals and possible partners are attracted to a person. Other professionals lead to partnerships and joint ventures, further leading to new opportunities for business.
  2. Media Exposure: Journalists and media seek people who can provide expert opinion or comment on current issues. With a good personal brand, you will be the first person the media approach whenever they need to comment or maybe offer an interview, which makes you more visible and credible. This can be achieved through speaking at various industry events and conferences. Go share your insights and experiences on stage; this will increase your credibility in the eyes of your prospects and attract potential clients and partners.

Building Customer Loyalty and Driving Business Growth

Ultimately, at the close of it all, a major outcome of strong personal branding effort is customer loyalty and contribution to business growth:

  1. Consumers working with your personal brand are now dedicated to the cause at hand. They avail more business to you, not just that—suggest others, hence natural growth.
  2. Brand Advocates: Happy clients and customers may become brand advocates of your brand, spreading positive recommendations and hence increasing your brand’s credibility.
  3. Business Stability: A good personal brand guarantees one against the market fluctuations, ensuring that at every difficult time, the loyal customer base and perceived image may save the business.

Also Read: Privacy First, Profit Later: How Contextual Advertising Wins In The Age Of Data Transparency

In summary, a personal brand is necessary for an entrepreneur to distinguish themselves in the competitive market and to carry out business with success. A defined and unique expression of value proposition, established effective online presence, and leveraging the brand to establish trust and credibility will enable numerous opportunities that will build customer loyalty and foster the growth of a business by a business owner. Personal branding has become one of the features in this age of the business world that cannot be an option but is a requirement and an element of success in entrepreneurship.

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