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AI And Customer Journey: From Awareness To Conversion

Penned down by Sanjeev Jasani, Chief Operating Officer, Cheil South West Asia (Cheil SWA), for Marketing Mind, this is the first article of a longer authored post series wherein he takes us on a journey of how the course of advertising is changing for good with technology playing a crucial role. In this post, he highlights how AI is transforming the way brands connect with audiences and revolutionise customer journeys in the process.

| Published on September 9, 2024

AI And Customer Journey: From Awareness To Conversion

Imagine a world where ads know exactly what you want, even before you do.

Sounds like science fiction? Well, it’s happening right now.

AI is revolutionising the customer journey and transforming how brands connect with their audience.

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all marketing. Today, AI is the secret sauce that’s making advertising smarter, more personal, and incredibly effective.

So, let’s break it down.

1. Awareness

This is where it all begins. AI algorithms are like digital detectives, scouring the internet to understand your interests, behaviours, and preferences. They’re not just looking at what you buy, but what you like, share, and talk about online. Suddenly, you’re seeing ads that feel tailor-made for you.

It’s not magic– it’s AI working behind the scenes.

2. Consideration

Now that you’re aware, AI keeps you engaged. Ever noticed how some brands seem to read your mind? That’s AI analysing your online behaviour and predicting what you might need next.

It’s like having a personal shopper who knows your style better than you do.

3. Decision

This is where AI flexes its muscles. By analysing vast amounts of data, AI can predict the perfect moment to nudge you towards a purchase. Maybe it’s a limited-time offer or a personalized discount. AI knows what makes you tick and when you’re most likely to buy.

4. Conversion

The grand finale! AI doesn’t just help you make a purchase; it ensures the whole process is smooth sailing. From chatbots answering your questions 24/7 to AI-powered recommendation engines suggesting complementary products, the goal is to make your buying experience so good, you’ll come back for more.

But here’s the kicker– this journey isn’t linear anymore!

AI has turned it into a dynamic, ever-evolving cycle. It learns from each interaction, constantly refining its approach to serve you better.

The result?

Advertising that feels less like an intrusion and more like a helpful friend. It’s a win-win: consumers get more relevant ads, and brands see better returns on their ad spend.

As we move forward, the line between AI-driven advertising and human creativity will continue to blur. But one thing’s for sure – the customer journey will never be the same again.

Next up, we’ll explore how AI is changing the game with voice assistants and chatbots. Stay tuned!

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