The Jamtara Season 2 premiered on 23rd September 2022 on Netflix India. And this time, the crime thriller drama had a new tagline- ‘Iss baar sabka number lagega’. Written by Trishant Shrivastava and directed by Soumendra Padhi, the show was trending at #1 in the country, after just three days of release, according to the OTT platform.
Let’s check how the makers created a buzz around Jamtara Season 2, using its premise and other promotional activities:
1. Release date Announcement
Jamtara Season 2 revolves around social engineering operations like the massive phishing scams that snoop around small cities of the country. The makers started their marketing campaign for the second season of the drama with its release date being announced at the end of August 2022
2. Trailer release
Before a month of Jamtara Season 2 release, the makers launched the show’s trailer, which was gripping and entertaining.
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Along with the trailer release of Jamtara Season 2, social media sites saw a variety of posts that comprised snippets from the previous season, current season, and surprise elements as well.
Even dating apps these days are targeted by phishers. And to make this clear, the makers took scams shown in the show and presented them so as to make viewers understand how phishing attacks happen on dating sites.
3. Scamming viral stars
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Urfi Javed, MC Stan and Anjali Arora of ‘Kacha Badam’ fame were scammed into spending heavily, just like it is done on the series Jamatara.
4. Releasing Season 1 episodes on Youtube
In order to create buzz around the show, the first two episodes of the first season were released for free on YouTube. This was done to create curiosity and also ensure higher viewership.
Since Jamtara Season 2 is based in rural areas in the country, mostly all promotional activities were done in Hindi to garner viewership and also make it appealing to the masses, be it on the radio or social media.