, one of India’s largest Wed-Tech companies, has roped in actor Anil Kapoor as its brand ambassador to widen the reach of its community-based matrimony services. has planned a 360-degree marketing campaign featuring Kapoor, targeting these communities throughout the year. The campaign will kick off with the release of commercials in January 2025 across all major TV networks. offers over 200 community-based matrimony services categorised by caste, religion, occupation, and special groups. These services cater to various segments of the population according to their preferences, helping individuals find their ideal life partners.
Elaborating on the collaboration, Murugavel Janakiraman, Founder and CEO of, said, “Anil Kapoor has been in the show business for over 45 years and has won the love of people across the country and the globe. His image as a perfect husband, a caring father, and a doting grandfather inspires millions. To start, we will be releasing TV commercials for four communities – BrahminMatrimony, RajputMatrimony, AgarwalMatrimony, and KayasthaMatrimony – featuring Anil Kapoor, right in the middle of the ongoing wedding season.”