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Glucon-D’s Old Summer Ad Has Made All Twitter Users Nostalgic

| Published on April 21, 2022

The kids born in the 90s and before have always had a very intimate connection with the television ads that aired back in the day. The jingles used by brands then still have an emotional impact on us.

We grew up listening to Amul’s ‘Aage Badta Hai India’ is still imprinted in our hearts and mind and I’m sure we all sing along to it whenever it comes up on the radio or television even today.

One another brand that rewired our minds was the one that Glucon-D rolled out in summer. The brand showed how the sun would suck all our energy with a straw when we went out and then how Glucon-D helped us revive our lost energy.

A Twitter user, Adithi Mallesh, recently pointed out how the ad left a lasting impact on our minds. Like many of us, Adithi was also convinced that this is exactly how the sun works. She shared her amazement on social media and people couldn’t agree more.

As soon as Adithi shared her tweet, people shared their thoughts as well. They basically agreed with how they too believed the brand and its capability to give them energy after a tiring day out.

Here are some of the tweets that just made us feel that we were not the only ones.

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