Recently the residents of Surat, Gujarat celebrated the festival of Chandi Padvo on 31st October 2020. Chandani Padva or Chandi Padvo is a festival that falls on the day after Sharad Poornima, the last full moon day in the Hindu calendar. On this occasion, people of Surat enjoy a popular local sweet, Ghari, Bhushu.
Though the sweet has been locally enjoyed and is easily available in the city, a sweet shop owner has given it a royal twist this year.
As reported by ANI, a shop in Surat was selling a gold version of Ghari. The shop owner Rohan informed that this specially made, Gold Ghari, is available at their shop at the price of Rs 9000/kg. The normal version of Ghari is available at Rs 660-820 per kg.
Gujarat: Ahead of Chandi Padvo, a festival falling a day after Sharad Poornima, a sweet shop in Surat has launched 'Gold Ghari' -a different version of ghari, a sweet dish from Surat. Shop owner says, "It is available at Rs 9000/kg. Normal ghari is available at Rs 660-820 per kg"
— ANI (@ANI) October 30, 2020
Rohan also added that gold is considered a beneficial metal in Ayurveda, hence the sweet dish is healthy to consume. The sweet dish was launched three days before the festival, however, the demand was a little lower than expected.
Ghari is made of puri batter, milk mawa, ghee, and sugar – made into round shapes with a sweet filling, to be consumed on Chandani Padva festival. It is also available in many varieties and flavors such as pistachio, almond-Cardamom, and mawa.
There is an interesting story behind eating Ghari on Chandani Padva. It was prepared by the Devshankar Shukla for Tatya Tope and other freedom fighters to help them gain extra strength in 1857. However, it began to be consumed during inauspicious occasions too, particularly by people of some castes in the crematorium for peace to the soul of the dead.
The festive season in India has just begun and sweet shop owners across the country are hoping for considerably good sales. But the scare of the pandemic and the unstable economic condition might become a point of concern.