An Uber driver received a $700 donation from one of her passengers in Georgia. She is graduated now at the age of 43 and is finally relieved of his college debt. The world is changing!
Latona Young had to drop high school as she was pregnant with a son who is 26 now. She received her GED and got her name registered with Georgia State University in the year 2010.
Uber Driver Latona Young Receives $700 From A Rider!
Latona happens to be a single mother of 3 boys. Because she had a $693 bill on-hold, she had to stop the classes. Kevin Esch who she met in May 2019 paid her pending college amount and enabled her to get her Criminal Justice degree.
She was not only an Uber driver but had also signed up on Lyft. Nothing was working in her favor to finally get a hold on her degree. Kevin Esch & Young became friends after she picked him from Mercedes-Benz Stadium (Atlanta) and they shared an engaging and deep talk regarding his recent divorce and her career during the ride.
Esch also tipped her $120 through the app. “You never know who God will send to change your life All thanks to the man upstairs… It’s not how you start in life… it’s how you finish!!”, says Young’s facebook status where she posted pictures of her graduation.
Isn’t it amazing how people are being so kind towards each other, nowadays? In fact, we all should indulge in such acts where we can just support other humans unconditionally. That would be called ultimate humanity and serving a real purpose on planet Earth. xoxo!