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How To Find More Customers When You’re Selling On Amazon

If you were to try to come up with the name of the largest eCommerce site in the world, it’s highly likely that you’d think of Amazon – and you’d be right..

| Published on April 10, 2024

If you were to try to come up with the name of the largest eCommerce site in the world, it’s highly likely that you’d think of Amazon – and you’d be right. This massive site offers the businesses that use its services and selling platform the ideal opportunity to get in front of millions of potential customers and it can boost your business like nothing else can. 

The issue is that competition on the platform is fierce which makes it a big challenge for sellers to stand out and attract more customers, even if there is an immense customer base to find those customers from. The question has to be, therefore, how can you find more customers when you’re selling on Amazon? With that in mind, read onto find out more about what you can do to ensure you get your fair share (or more!) of Amazon buyers. 

Know The Algorithm 

There are a number of things you can do that will help you find more customers on Amazon when you’ve decided to use that site as your selling platform (perhaps instead of your own site, although you can run the two platforms in a parallel way, which will be more work, but it could bring in more sales if you do it right), but one that only a handful of people will think of is learning more about Amazon’s all-important algorithm. 

Amazon’s search and recommendation algorithms are specifically designed to prioritize the listings that generate the most sales and have high levels of customer engagement, so when it comes to optimizing your listings (which we’ll look at shortly), knowing that and working towards that goal is crucial – it could be the difference between being seen or getting lost in the crowd. 

Optimize Your Product Listings 

Perhaps the most important element of all when you’re setting up and maintaining your Amazon store and virtual storefront is your listings and product descriptions, and the more you can do to optimize them, the more people are going to see them. One thing that’s very important is keyword optimization, and it pays to spend some time working out which relevant keywords your potential customers use when they’re searching for products similar to yours. Do some research and then you can add those keywords to your product descriptions and titles – you’ll get seen a lot more that way, and the more you get seen, the more you’ll sell. 

Your product descriptions shouldn’t just be stuffed full of keywords or it won’t make a lot of sense, and your potential customers will soon feel there’s a problem and they might not trust you. After all, if you can’t write a product description they can understand, how are they going to know what your product can do and whether or not it can help them? So when you’re writing your product descriptions, make sure you use clear and concise language and focus on answering questions and addressing the pain points of your customers (you can include keywords in that, so don’t worry). 

Next, you’ll need to use high-quality images in your listing because that’s what most people will look at first, and a good photo could truly impact someone’s decision to buy something from you. It could even be a good idea to invest in professional photography so you can really show off what your products look like and what they do. There are Amazon guidelines when it comes to images, however, so make sure you know what they are before you spend money on professional photos. 

Use An Agency

There’s a lot to think about when you’re looking for more customers on Amazon, and something that can work well is to outsource the work you need to do – or at least some of it – to an agency. If you can find a marketing services agency that specializes in Amazon marketing, it can save you a lot of time and effort – yes, you’ll have to pay for the work to be done, but you can think of that payment as an investment because you should be able to make your money back quite easily. 

There are a few reasons why using an external agency is a good idea when it comes to your Amazon listings and finding more customers, and one of those reasons is that they’re going to have a lot more experience and expertise than you do – this is what they do all the time, whereas you’ll only be doing it once. They’ll have in-depth knowledge of Amazon’s algorithms, all the different advertising options, and what the rules and guidelines are, so you can ensure that the end result is a good one. 

On top of that, you’ll save time and money when you use an agency. Setting up and maintaining an Amazon eCommerce store is something that takes a lot of effort, but if you can outsource tasks like optimizing your listings, advertising, and more to an agency, you no longer have to think about it, and you can use your valuable time for other things, like product development and, vitally, customer service

Build A Strong Brand Presence 

As well as making sure your listings are just right and using the help of a marketing agency, it’s wise to work on building a strong brand presence of Amazon if you want to attract more customers – and make sure those customers are loyal. 

One thing that can work well when you want to do this is to look at your customer feedback and reviews; that’s where you’ll find a lot of information about the changes you need to make (or what should stay the same), which is why it’s so wise to monitor what’s happening with your reviews. If you get some negative ones, that can impact your brand and its reputation, so make sure you tackle them right away and respond in a way that shows you care about your customers. 

You can also use content marketing if you want to build a strong brand presence. Some of the things you can include in your content marketing are:

  • Blog posts
  • Videos 
  • Social media posts and content 

Whatever you choose, make sure you’re highlighting your products in a good light so people can see precisely what they are and why they would want to buy one – show off the unique features and benefits and more customers will buy from your Amazon site.

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