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Celebrities Vs Bloggers- The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing

| Published on August 3, 2018

It’s been ages we have seen celebrities endorsing some brand or the other, just with the changing times, the mediums and platforms also changed. From print media to radio and then TV ads, celebrities have influenced our buying decisions forever, but now there is another population of smaller celebrities called bloggers/microbloggers cropping up everywhere and they too tend to act as big influencers. Today brands leave no stone unturned to market themselves and a lot of times, we see endorsements of brands coming from this blogger community as well. Let us understand how the dynamics of these two sets of influencers work.

Celebrities Vs Bloggers- The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing


When it comes to popularity with masses, the celebrities win hands down and there is simply no match. If you look at some of the popular film stars, or cricketers or other social celebrities, their fan following on social platforms like Instagram, Facebook or Twitter is usually in millions and the moment a celebrity joins a social media platform, within a few hours, they gain thousands of followers. On the other hand, it takes bloggers, months and years of hard work to achieve a good following on social media.

Celebrities Vs Bloggers- The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing


This is one aspect wherein the brands, especially the smaller brands find working with bloggers much cheaper as compared to an established celebrity. A brand can literally afford to work with 20 bloggers for a price or maybe a C category celebrity, leave alone the top stars.


Celebrities Vs Bloggers- The Dynamics of Influencer Marketing

Because of the popularity of stars, their reach is definitely more, but the bloggers too have a good reach with common people and that is the reason that a lot many brands go ahead with blogger promotions. Even the top brands, which do celebrity endorsements, work with bloggers to get best of both the worlds.

What are your views on these two kinds of social media influencers, who do you support more?

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