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Here Is An Indian Version Of Squid Game Played By Influencers In India

| Published on December 9, 2021

Netflix’s Squid Game took the entertainment world by storm. The Korean survival drama, that released in September this year won critical acclaim and worldwide recognition. It was the most-watched series being the top-viewed program in 94 clocking 1.65 billion viewing hours during its first four weeks of release.

The story revolves around a divorced father and gambler who plays a series of children’s games for a chance at a large cash prize, along with 456 players, all in neck-deep debt. The players in green tracksuits are kept under watch by men in pink jumpsuits and their every move is seen by the Front Man, wearing a black mask and uniform. When any player loses a game, they lose their life too and every life lost adds 100 million Won to the prize money of 45.6 billion won. Who survives and how makes for the crux of the drama.

But closer home, in India, Netflix got 20 influencers from different streams to play another version of The Squid Game. The participants would be playing childhood games and the ones losing would be eliminated. The first part of the entire game had the contestants opening their blindfolds and playing two games, the first one being Kaccha Nimbu Pakka Nimbu Statue!, after which five players were eliminated and fifteen players remained. The second game was, Chikki Ki Tikki after which eight players remained.

The second part will follow soon and we’ll get to see who wins the Squid Game Indian version.

In between games, participants were seen goofing around and cracking jokes along with cheering each other up. Some popular faces seen as contestants were Mythpat, Shreeja Chaturvedi, Nidhi Tyagi, Nikhil Kini, Akshay Nayar, Rahul S, Kareema Barry, Apoorva Arora, Akash Gupta and Sakshi Shivdasani

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