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Social Media Has Changed The Idea Of Self-Love, Influencing How Women View ‘Beauty’ For Themselves Today: Aashka Goradia Goble

In a candid conversation, Aashka Goradia Goble reflected on her journey from actress to entrepreneur, her views on balancing motherhood with business, the evolution of beauty standards, empowering women in leadership roles, and the drive behind Renée's success.

| Published on September 28, 2024

Social Media Has Changed The Idea Of Self-Love, Influencing How Women View 'Beauty' For Themselves Today: Aashka Goradia Goble

Aashka Goradia Goble, a name synonymous with resilience, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit, has carved a unique path in the beauty industry, making waves as the visionary founder of Renée Cosmetics. Her journey, however, didn’t start in boardrooms or beauty labs but rather under the spotlight as an actress.

From her early years on television, where she captivated audiences, to leading one of India’s fastest-growing beauty brands, Goble’s transformation from actress to entrepreneur is a testament to her boundless ambition and unrelenting drive.

Reflecting on her evolution from actress to entrepreneur, Goble shared insights into her inspiring journey saying, “Acting wasn’t something I always aspired to do, but it happened naturally. In school, I got involved in co-curricular activities and found myself drawn to dramatics. I started participating in competitions, which eventually led to an opportunity to assist a director. From there, I was offered an episodic role, and they mentioned I’d be paid per day. When I asked how much, they said Rs 800 per day. As a 16-year-old, that felt like a significant amount, so I agreed. What began as two episodes turned into more, and that’s how my acting journey started.”

At that time, Goble said, her motivation was to make money, invest it, and grow it further. Acting became a means to achieve that. She has been investing since she was 17, and it has played an important role in her journey.

“The concept of making your money work for you was something I grasped early on, thanks to the business-minded environment I grew up in. Watching my father and my friends’ parents, especially in Gujarat where entrepreneurship thrives, instilled in me a dream to eventually work for myself. Even as an actor, I held on to that vision. I believe life should have its challenges, if everything goes smoothly, there’s no excitement,” she added.

In highlighting the remarkable growth of her brand, Renée, since its inception, Goble shared insights into how these transformations have shaped her career trajectory. She emphasised, “In just under four years, we’ve reached an impressive ARR of nearly 275-300 crores, a testament to the undeniable connection Renée has forged with its consumers. Our products have found their way into the hearts and lives of women, seamlessly integrating into their everyday routines.”

This journey of remarkable growth is a result of the relentless dedication from every individual who has contributed to Renée. Each person has poured their passion and 100% commitment into making our vision a reality, she mentioned.

“Reflecting on my personal journey, Renée has profoundly transformed my career. Stepping away from acting, something I had known and excelled at for years, was not easy, it was my comfort zone. Walking away from that certainty came with immense risk, and I constantly faced moments of self-doubt. Questions like “Am I doing the right thing?” and “Should I go back?” lingered. But as this venture began to unfold, those uncertainties gradually faded as the truth of my path became clearer. Taking this leap was undoubtedly the most significant risk I’ve ever embraced, and I’m proud to say, it’s been the most rewarding journey of my life,” she added.

When posed with the question of how she has adapted to the profound changes in her life as a new mother while juggling multiple roles, she expressed that when one takes a significant leap, leaving behind something they have always known and succeeded in, there’s no room for juggling or balancing. They simply have to give more, both to their work and to their life.

“I remember the day my son, Alex, was born. It was October 27 at 7:15 am, and I was in the office until 8 pm the night before. There’s no magic formula to balance it all. It’s not a matter of saying, “I’ve worked enough, now I can focus on myself.” You have to give your all, to both your babies, your business and your child,” Goble said.

Furthermore, she pointed out that balance, in the true sense, doesn’t exist. Some days, your child needs you more. Other days, your business demands extra attention. And as an entrepreneur, you don’t have the luxury to choose between the two.

“People often assume entrepreneurship makes things easier, that you have control over your time. But in reality, as an entrepreneur, you are the one responsible for everything. It’s rare to ever strike a perfect balance. You just have to take each day as it comes,” she said.

“The notion that you must find balance is often overstated. In truth, it’s about adapting, about responding to the needs of the moment. I have yet to meet a working mother who can confidently say she has found that balance. The reality is, for every working mother, it’s about embracing each day as it unfolds, because that’s the only way forward,” she added.

When asked if Goble has completely moved away from her acting career, she said “Never say never!” These words resonate deeply when it comes to personal journeys, especially for someone whose life has been intertwined with the world of storytelling.

“While I may not know what the future holds, there’s a flicker of possibility that, in five years or so, I could feel the pull of a character so compelling that it brings her back to the stage. Who knows? For now, the chapters I’ve lived remain an indelible part of her,” she added.

Reflecting on her days in television, she spoke fondly of the collaborative artistry, the daily orchestration of nearly 150 people to bring a single episode to life. With over 5,000 hours of programming under her belt, the craft became a part of her, ingrained in every fibre. It’s not something that ever truly leaves.

“Though acting may no longer be at the forefront, the essence of creation still lingers within me. I may not miss acting, but I miss being involved in the craft. As life has taken me in new directions, I am now immersed in a different form of creation, a new craft, one where her passion continues to flourish, albeit in fresh and unexpected ways,” Goble said.

When asked about her journey through the realms of both acting and business, and which role she finds most fulfilling, she said, “I truly don’t see it that way. To me, fulfilment isn’t tied to any particular role or activity. It’s about whether what you’re doing resonates with you, whether it brings you joy and purpose. Back when I was acting, it was something I was fully immersed in, something that gave me a sense of satisfaction. Now, with what I do, I feel equally fulfilled because this is what I truly wanted to pursue. It’s not the specific job that brings fulfilment, but the joy and passion you feel while doing it that makes all the difference.”

Furthermore, she highlighted that she doesn’t believe that being an actor inherently makes running a business any easier. Regardless of one’s profession, whether they are an actor, a sports figure, or a recent graduate from a prestigious institution, what truly matters is their willingness to take risks. It’s not about where one comes from, but rather their ability to embrace uncertainty and navigate the challenges of business.

“Does being an actor offer certain advantages? Perhaps, to some extent. There may be a perception that being in the public eye makes it easier to attract business opportunities. However, these are often just misconceptions. The real key lies in your passion for what you do and your understanding of the work required. Success in business isn’t determined by your previous career, but by your dedication, willingness to learn, and commitment to building something new,” Goble said.

“In my own experience, I’ve learned that pursuing business requires not just risk, but also a complete shift in focus. I had to walk away from something I was deeply involved in to fully invest myself in this new endeavour. It’s about giving it your all, regardless of the path you took to get here,” she added.

Goble believes that the perspective on beauty has evolved significantly for women over the years, and social media has played a crucial role in this transformation.

“What was once about meeting societal expectations has shifted towards self-love, self-care, and enhancing one’s beauty for personal satisfaction rather than for others. This change in mindset is profound, as women today embrace makeup and beauty with a focus on themselves, celebrating their uniqueness. Unlike our mothers, who may not have viewed beauty through this lens, today’s women see makeup as a way to highlight and enhance their natural features,” she said.

“It’s no longer about conforming, but rather about accentuating what they already love about themselves. A swipe of lipstick, for instance, isn’t about creating beauty but about making their lips stand out. The use of kajal isn’t to mask imperfections but to make their already beautiful eyes even more striking. Women have begun to understand the power of these little touches, learning how to complement their features and, most importantly, celebrating them,” she added.

Goble illuminated several impactful changes that she believes can empower women in the workplace and said that at Renée, women don’t just play a significant role, they are the driving force, outnumbering men across various teams, including our dedicated beauty advisors.

“In an era where the conversation around empowering women in the workplace is more important than ever, we’re witnessing a meaningful shift. The doors to opportunity have opened wider, and women are more accepted and valued in professional spaces than they ever were before. Times are changing, and as everything evolves, the progress of women in the workforce has been remarkable, especially in the last few years. For us at Renée, this progress represents not just a step forward but a victory worth celebrating,” she said.

Furthermore, she went on to say that the mindset is undoubtedly shifting, yet it remains a challenge for women to rise to leadership roles. The journey often requires a great deal of effort to prove their worth, but we have seen an evolution. Today, women leaders no longer need to spend their energy justifying their presence. Instead, the focus is firmly on the quality of their work. The recognition that gender does not determine capability has grown stronger.

“While men may be physically stronger, there is no difference in cognitive ability, our brains function equally. In fact, the emotional intelligence women often bring to the table can be a significant asset in leadership, enabling them to make well-rounded decisions,” she mentioned.

Goble said, “If I could offer my younger self a piece of wisdom, it would be the strength to say no sooner. While every experience has shaped who I am today and I wouldn’t change the path I’ve walked, I do believe that embracing the power of setting boundaries could have come a little earlier. It’s a lesson that has defined me now, but I can only imagine the difference it would have made if I had mastered it earlier in my journey.”

When reflecting on her remarkable career, Goble was asked about the many leaders she has encountered, each possessing admirable qualities. She said, “I hail from an industry where narratives have long revolved around the remarkable journeys of women. In television, the spotlight has consistently shone on female storytellers, producers, writers, and directors, who have significantly influenced the medium. I found myself in the company of pioneering women like Ekta Kapoor and Vandana Malik, among many others, who held leadership positions and championed breakthrough initiatives. Their impact on the evolution of television over the past three decades is undeniable.”

“These trailblazers have not only shaped the landscape of storytelling but have also redefined programming in profound ways. The contributions of countless women in leadership roles have been instrumental in creating a vibrant and dynamic industry. I am fortunate to have a plethora of role models who inspire and uplift, reflecting the incredible power of women in shaping our collective narrative,” she added.

In conclusion, she emphasised that in her conversations with women, whether they are younger, Goble’s age, or even older, she often hears a common refrain: “I wanted to do this, but I couldn’t,” or “I’m not sure how to get started.” The turning point, however, comes when one decides to embrace the risk of pursuing their dreams.

“Believing in oneself is paramount. If you truly desire to make an impact in your life, don’t wait for someone else to open the door for you, take that step yourself. Success or failure becomes secondary, what truly matters is the courage to try. It is this willingness to take action that defines us, and I believe it should resonate deeply with others as well. The essence lies in the attempt, and that effort is invaluable,” she added.

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