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7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

| Published on February 23, 2021

The IPL season is about to begin and the excitement around it is unparalleled. The league has become more than just a cricket match and is celebrated like a festival throughout the country. Started in 2008, the IPL series have been known to bring families and friends together and is a way for people to spend happy times.

While there is so much going on during the season, did you know that you can not only enjoy the matches but could also increase your earnings as well?

Shopify, a leading e-commerce company, has shared some of the ideas that can help you increase the earnings of your pre-existing online business on the site during this IPL season.

1. Print-On Demand Range

7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

Let’s say you sell a product online that cannot be adapted as per different occasions and could incur costs that will be difficult to recover, in this case, you can customize products as per the demand. From t-shirts, handbags, and other accessories, there are so many products that may fall into this category.

This will help you to control the cost and avoid any disposables after the season is over. Print-on demand also helps customers to choose from what they want which will help you to earn more.

2. Have A Special IPL Sale

7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

IPL, like every other festival in the country, brings with it numerous sales and offers on the purchase of various products. Whether it is offline or online stores, merchandisers, or network providers, everybody makes the most of the opportunity and runs a sale or special offers to attract more customers.

You can share the updates of your sale on your social media handle and generate engagement as much as possible.

3. Live The Cricket Theme

7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

For people who have offline stores, they can be seen decorating their shop with jerseys and posters to give it the IPL feel. For the online stores, people decorate their official websites with special temporary themes highlighting the IPL exclusive discounts and offers.

4. IPL Product Bundles

7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

Shopify suggests that during the IPL season, you can use this opportunity and bundle up the most sold product with the least popular one and sell them at a discount or with an offer to ensure effective sales.

5. Re-engage your previous customers

7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

Since existing customers have a higher conversion rate, it is always advisable to tap that pool during special events. If you have a special deal and offers prepared for IPL, you can send a promotional mail or SMS on your existing customers’ numbers. With regards to their previous purchase and with new product info as well.

6. Collaborate With Influencers

7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

Social media influencers have become the fastest and the most effective mode of marketing for many brands. With people spending more time on social media platforms, the database offers a huge pool of prospective customers. Local Influencers can be approached during the IPL season to get the word going about your company and your products.

7. Traditional Marketing

7 Ways To Increase Your Sales During This IPL Season

Of course, the social media market is all the craze nowadays, however, the traditional ways of marketing like print, TV, and Radio can never get outdated. These modes of marketing still bear huge importance and can prove to be very useful for your Shopify business during this IPL season.

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