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10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

| Published on April 14, 2022

A person hardly spends any time taking the staircase or using the escalator in a day. But brands decided to use this medium too, in getting their messages across. And surprisingly, this too worked in their favor. Today, many interesting and to-the-point messages are being conveyed using staircases or escalators. And on occasions, events too are being promoted with the use of these structured designs. Let’s look at a few such interesting ones.

1. Canadian Red Cross Escalator

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

From a distance the ad appears so real, that any person would run to help. Created for the Canadian Red Cross, it gives a clear message of promoting first aid knowledge across. The advertiser surely knows how to utilize space, with an eye for wit and creativity.

2. IKEA Staircase

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

IKEA is synonymous with organization. This staircase depicts exactly what IKEA intends to do. With these neatly stacked and folded clothes’ pictures stuck perfectly, IKEA’s adage of creating space and organizing is delivered perfectly to the hilt.

3. Hopi Hari Escalator

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

The ad has a couple being shown to have fun in the Brazilian amusement park (for which the ad was intended) with their various snapshots being depicted on each stair of the escalator. Perfect place to convey the message after a long day at work.

4. Table Soccer Staircase

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

The ad was released on a staircase to promote the then upcoming international table soccer world cup, that had lifelike flyers shaped like table soccer figurines, on handrails of various staircases around the city of Hamburg, Germany.

5. Coca Cola Escalator and Staircase

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

In collaboration with McDonalds, Coca Cola had a witty marketing campaign designed on a staircase and escalator, placed next to each other. Regular Coke was advertised on the staircase, while Diet Coke was advertised on the escalator.

6. Durex Escalator

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

All one can say is, that the brand made its point on point with an extra-long escalator ad.

7. Nike Escalator

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

The ad had a Nike band across the escalator, stating not to use the escalator, but the staircase, for better health and lifestyle of course!

8.Odenplan Subway Station

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

Another quirky way of conveying the importance of taking the staircase instead of the escalator, is the one at Odenplan subway station at Stockholm. The stairs were turned into piano keys, prompting a rise of 66% commuters taking the stairs.

9. UNICEF Shanghai branch ad

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

Though old, the ad aimed to get to notice the extreme poverty faced by 1.5 million kids in China. The ad had a boy sitting in shabby rags, next to which was written a poignant message- “Don’t ignore me. China has over 1.5 million underprivileged children.”

10. Greenville Literary Association Staircase

10 Most Creative Staircase & Escalator Ads

This beautiful ad with some timeless books, was created to generate book donations.

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