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Woman With Disability Wearing Shorts Was Not Allowed To Enter Office

| Published on September 1, 2019

Stereotype, the big word that still comes up and becomes a problem in the modern world. You can stereotype culture, stereotype food, stereotype habits or stereotype certain lifestyle. But at the end of the day, each stereotype hinders your process of accepting change. It allows you to forget the most important life lesson, change is the only constant.

Wherever you look, you either see examples of amazing breaking stereotype stories or real-life battles to fight the myths that exist. From something like section 377 to something as women finally driving in Saudi Arabia.

The incident that will send shivers!

One such incident recently happened in Philippines, which proved the lack of awareness and the existence of a high sense of stereotyping amongst the people, especially about people with disabilities.

Nancy Boroc, 27 was born without the lower part of her legs due to congenital disorder had to submit certain documents to the Bureau of Internal Revenue in Samar, Philippines. However, she was denied entry because she was wearing shorts which went against the dress code rules of the office.

This was done by the security on duty who failed to change his view even after being explained her disability. She understood the seriousness of this issue and posted her story on Facebook.

She refused to sit quiet!

Currently with 5.6K shares was necessary to spread the word. She also interviewed with BBC where she talked about how people still stereotype. People with disabilities, not considering them as equals and not realizing that they also have rights, duties and normal life. However, one also needs to understand that during situations like these, PWD also deserves certain exemptions.

It is NOT a choice

A disability isn’t a choice one makes and nor do the people around one makes it for them. So, questioning their lifestyle, not helping them during their struggle and lacking any understanding is a choice nobody deserves to make either. Nancy isn’t the only one who faces such situations in life and thankfully, she is the one to bring it forward to the world, rightly using social media.

A lesson learned, one can support them, spread the word and know that their lives are already a little different than ours, we don’t need to make it more complicated!

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