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Why Weekends Are Great For Brands To Lift Instagram Engagement?

| Published on June 26, 2017

What do you prefer doing on a lazy weekend? Lay back and go through your Instagram feed! Right? Exactly what a marketing research group found out after doing a bit of research that weekends witness most brand engagements on Instagram.

They generated the data from around 1 million brands and small to big business companies to come down to this conclusion.

“According to our data, post rates slightly decrease on weekends since a lot of people, specifically businesses, don’t tend to post as much.This presents an opportunity to rise up the algorithm faster due to decreased competition.”

Companies post most often between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursdays.

According to 2015 generated data, Wednesdays were the most engaged days and best for marketing on Instagram.

But this changed over the years. Now the weekends have snatched that position. Sundays and Saturdays give the brands more than 400 plus interactions.

“People are looking for a secret window of time that will perform the very best for their content. Since every account and business is unique and has a set of global customers with their own time zones, the reality is that the solution for the best time to post has to be personalized and custom to each account to be valuable.”

Managing Instagram business is not easy as it seems. First of all the brand should take care of their target audience. Secondly, the image needs to be very catchy to attract the viewers so that it urges them to connect with the brands.

You can solve this problem. You can schedule and well plan your posts and also maximize the number of engagements on your sites by using Instagram Scheduler. Shopping brands at Instagram can be handled more specifically using this new technology which can lead to optimum sales and engagement.

Lastly, the main thing that the brands should keep in mind is their good quality, consistency and impact that would make them successful!
Also read: How Instagram is becoming advertising powerhouse

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