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Two Cats Rent Out A 100,000 Per Month Studio Apartment

| Published on January 18, 2019

Whether you know anything else about the Silicon Valley or not, its fine, but you ought to know that at this place the rents are simply out of the world and also that people go any length to take care of their pets.

The Troy’s Story

Troy Good shifted a new apartment, but he could not bring along the two cats’ that belonged to his daughter, the reason being, he was afraid that the cats might not gel with his fiancé’s dog. But he could not bear to abandon the cats or part with them and hence as a solution he rented Rs. 100,000 plus studio apartment for them.

Two Cats Rent Out A 100,000 Per Month Studio Apartment

What The Landlord Feels

David Callisch the owner of the place feels he find renting the house to the cats better than renting it to humans, the only minus side is that the cats stink up the place. But otherwise, he is quite happy with his new tenants.

Two Cats Rent Out A 100,000 Per Month Studio Apartment

David Callisch finds his new tenants to be the perfect renters. “It’s actually great. They’re very quiet, obviously. The only problem is they stink up the place,” Callisch told the Mercury News. Though he jokes about his tenants, the truth is that housing cats are much easier than housing a human.


On an average, the rental of a studio apartment in San Jose area works up to around $1951(133,842 lakhs), but since Good wasn’t using the kitchen and obviously his cats weren’t complaining about the same, he got the deal for $1500 a month.

About The Cats

The two cats who Good gifted to his daughter as kittens are now well grown up. His daughter loves them to the core but could not take them along when she left for pursuing college. The cats also have an exclusive Instagram account in their name (@tina__and__louise). They are believed to be Maine Coon and Bombay Mixes and weigh around 20 pounds each and now these cats have found possibly one of the best studio apartments in the area to themselves.

Two Cats Rent Out A 100,000 Per Month Studio Apartment

Expert Comments

While some people find it a waste of money and resource, others who are equally fanatic about their pets are throwing all the love. According to Jennifer Loving, the CEO of Destination Home, an anti-homelessness organization in Silicon Valley, the entire situation can be called “peak Silicon Valley.” Loving says the situation “does highlight the tremendous inequity in Silicon Valley. We have thousands of people on our streets, and we’re paying to make sure that our cats have a place to live.”

That said, probably the home will find more purpose when Good’s daughter returns from the college and she might end up staying in her cat’s apartments rather being the other way round.

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