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Top 5 Food Brands in Indian Market

| Published on July 30, 2018

The moment we enter a super-mart, we see a number of brands lined up in each category. So if you want to pick a refined oil, you will have so many options of brands to choose from, and all this sometimes ends up confusing us that which is the best brand to go ahead with. Also every now and then, we see new brands and products being launched in the market, but like they say, few brands are here to stay. When it comes to our Indian market, do you know which are the top 5 brands that are ruling the food category for years, let’s take a look:

1. Britannia

Top 5 Food Brands in Indian Market

It’s been a household name when it comes to biscuits in India, and we have all grown up eating Britania biscuits. To not find a Britania biscuit on the shelf of any grocery shop is almost impossible. From urban to deep rural, the brand is great penetration in India and is available almost everywhere. Bourbon, Good-Day and Tiger Biscuits are the most popular products from the house of Britania and the brand has been infamously crowned as the ‘biscuit king’. And Britania Cakes guess have no match, they have carved such an identity in the market that whenever a consumer looks for fruitcakes, and Britania is the obvious choice.

2. Amul

Top 5 Food Brands in Indian Market

This brand needs no introduction, as in India, butter practically means Amul. Expanding its product range since 1950, the brand has never looked back and in fact became one of the most sought-after brands for butter, milk, and cheese. Amul has also created a very unique brand identity and is specially known for its current affairs based Amul Butter Ads. Having this name in the list of top 5 is no surprise.

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3. Nestle

Top 5 Food Brands in Indian Market

Well this may not be an Indian brand and comes under top 5 brands even in the global market, but for their products like Maggi, Nescafe, and KitKat, for every Indian its their own brand. Maggi and Nescafe, specially have a huge emotional connect with the Indian market. The brand has always used high emotional content in their marketing and advertising. ‘Meri Wali Maggi’ has been one of the most popular brand campaigns ever and resonates with each individual who loves Maggi. Maggi has been one product where actually everyone has their own way of preparing and eating it and hence the campaign became so relevant. And we all know that in spite of some allegations on the brand over quality issues, it came bouncing back even stronger.

4. Dabur

Top 5 Food Brands in Indian Market

Dabur has always been more of an ayurvedic food brand that was started way back in 1884, but its products like Dabur Honey, Pudin Hara, and Chyawanprash have been part of Indian household since inception and its considered one of the most reliable and trustworthy brands. It’s a common scenario in India to gulp down 2 pills of Pudin Hara for a mild stomach related issue and Chyawanprash has always been like a synonym with Dabur.

5. Haldiram’s

Top 5 Food Brands in Indian Market

A major name in sweets and snacks category, Haldiram is one of the most popular brands in this category and often looked upon with great trust in terms of quality. From shops and restaurants for their sweets and savouries, their namkeen packets find place on every grocery shelf. Their peanuts and aaloo bhujiya are something that probably every India relates to it and is extensively purchased as a regular snack.

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