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Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

| Published on November 24, 2019

Change is the only constant and change affects everything. The world economy changes, people change and so do their work.

Yes, it is not just the level of employment that is set to change but also the type of employment and opportunities for the people in the next ten years.

Using employment data and future projections from the Bureau of Labour statistics, it was a very clear sight, the best ten jobs which simply require a bachelor’s degree and have the best prospective future growth opportunities ahead!

1) Athletic trainers

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

The employment level is expected to rise by 18.8% by 2028. The rise in sports activities and more and more people getting aware of it, the trainers will be more in demand. More boost to extracurriculars and highly health-focused individuals lead to this scenario where without a trainer, a sportsperson doesn’t exactly perform at their best.

2) Translators

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

Today’s world is a global village, the reason why the employment for translators is expected to rise by 19.2%. Translators are highly needed these days for inter-country meetings and deals, understanding news and transfer of information amongst various individuals.

3) Actuaries

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

The world is moving towards data science and statistics, where actuaries are best equipped to handle both data and finance easily. With a whopping 20.1% increase in employment, Actuarial Science has a very critical study course, that makes the degree very difficult to achieve. However, the amazing rewards in terms of reputation and salary is up for the grabs.

4) Market research analysts

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

With an expectation of a 20.4% increase in employment, market research analysts will be needed by each and every company to understand their user base. The market is changing and companies need to stay updated to catch up to new trend and the market research analysts help them stay on the bar.

5) Marriage therapists

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

With a 22.3% increase, this one requires a master’s degree. Rising differences between couples and more independent individuals, marriage therapy becomes important for couples to talk it out and work through their problems, especially for the millennial generation.

6) Mental health counselors

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

With a 22.5% increase mental-health counsellors are a need of the hour. Rising trends of substance abuse, mental issues and stress in life where people feel alone is definitely increasing their demand. Counselors help the victims cope with the mental issues, and advise solutions to make peace with the living.

7) Mathematicians

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

With a big boost of 26% and a master’s degree, mathematicians are highly needed in the field of research and medical sciences. Mathematicians not only help with building new algorithms, but they also know how to work through data, coding and build models.

8) Statisticians

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

Similar to mathematicians, statisticians and their master’s degree is highly needed in the new technology-driven fast-paced world. With a 30.7% increase, not only do they find space in research and teaching, but also in finance and marketing roles.

9) Operations research analysts

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

With an increase in employment by 25.6%, OR analysts work in both mathematical and statistical environments.

10) Information security analysts

Top 10 High-Paying Jobs With High Expected Employment Rates

Expecting a huge employment boost of 31.6%, Information security analysts are primal to understand information and its safety technology. Considered as a role of moral hacking, such security analysts usually know their way around, find loopholes and build on that.

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