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Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

| Published on July 22, 2019

 Jeff Bezos rightly and recently said in an interview,” We are in the process of destroying this planet” and indeed it is coming true.

Global warming is a global and a serious issue which if not worked towards can wipe out the beautiful countries on the map. Affecting almost all the countries in its own way, the affects of global warming have been rising at an alarming rate.

Here’s a list of 10 countries that we are on the verge of being wiped out completely.

1. Maldives

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Located to the west of India, Maldives consists of around 1,100 islands. With the lowest lying islands in the world which is only 4.2 feet above sea level, this country is particularly susceptible to the effects of rising sea levels. Many of the islands here are reporting significant beach erosion, which is effectively reducing the land area suitable for human habitation.

2. Tuvalu

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Made up of 3 reef islands and 6 atolls Tuvalu is located in the Pacific Ocean halfway between Hawaii and Australia. The residents of this country are already seeking refuge elsewhere as a result of the damage occurring here due to global climate change.

3. Federated States of Micronesia

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

The Federated States of Micronesia is located to east of the Philippines and consists of 607 islands and atolls. The rising sea levels here have already caused significant damage and even caused local cemeteries to disappear beneath the waves. While the government has adapted new plans and policies to fight the circumstances the ocean surrounding these islands are expected to rise anywhere from 16 to 62 inches by the end of this century.

4. Kiribati

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Kiribati is an island nation located between the US state of Hawaii and Australia in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of  33 islands which are already facing the effects of rising sea levels. While most of the residents have already moved to the largest island after losing their communities the president of this country has purchased 6,000 acres of land from Fiji to relocate the island’s population.

5. Nauru

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Nauru is located in the central Pacific Ocean and because of the history of mining on this island, the majority of its land area has been left unsuitable for human habitation. Residents here have no other choice but to live along its coastlines, which are quickly disappearing due to global warming.

6. Seychelles

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Seychelles is located in the western Indian Ocean and is made up of 115 islands. The increasing ocean temperatures surrounding the islands have destroyed the coral reefs here. These reefs worked to protect the islands from erosion; without them, the islands are now threatened by erosion. If sea levels rise just 3 feet, the 92,000 people living here will be left with nowhere to go.

7. Tongo

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Tonga, located in the southern Pacific Ocean, is made up of 169 islands with only 36 islands inhabited. One of the biggest threats facing this country is the rapidly rising sea levels. Residents and local businesses have already been dealing with disappearing beaches, forced to move their homes, offices, and restaurants further inland to escape the invading water. Mangroves here have already been destroyed, leaving the coastline further exposed to storms and erosion.

8. Comoros

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Comoros is located between Madagascar and Mozambique off the east coast of Africa. It is made up of 3 large islands and several smaller islands. This country is considered vulnerable to climate change and has suffered damages from rising sea levels and increased flooding affecting the agricultural conditions and the fishing industry.

9. Palau

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

Located to the southeast of the Philippines, Palau is made up of over 300 islands. Rising sea levels have already taken a toll on the communities here, with increased erosion eating away at available land and saltwater reaching agricultural crops. The warmer temperatures of this water is also destroying surrounding coral reefs, which allows for more erosion and has a negative effect on the local fishing industry.

10. Bangladesh

Top 10 Countries That Will Disappear In The Coming Years

The neighbouring country, Bangladesh is the only non-island nation on the list. The country is constantly threatened by the high average of floods, cyclones, and tornadoes. These natural disasters are only becoming more frequent due to global climate change. With the glaciers of the Himalaya mountains melting faster than average, instances of flooding is increased at an alarming rate. At least 25% of the country is covered in floods every year, which has prompted residents to adapt to these conditions. One of these adaptations has been to grow agricultural crops on large rafts that can float when water levels rise.


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