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Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

| Published on September 17, 2019

Lot of times, especially in large households or over a long period of time, the myth always exists, that housewife is meant to do only menial work at home. However, contrary to common belief, when push comes to shove, they are the ones who actually handle the family budget, expenses, and every minuscule detail.

So why should housewives stay behind if they have the capability to work, manage multiple tasks and if needed support the household financially?

Looking for help? Here are a few ideas to start your special housewife entrepreneurial journey!

1. Blogging

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

Blogging is the new magic world of the internet. It is where you get the chance to put forward your honest ideas in front of the world as per your comfort and choice. It can be anything, from your hobbies, real-life experience or some quirks that you enjoy talking about. Cooking recipes, money-saving tricks, some course content etc can be posted just via a laptop and internet connectivity. You get paid as per your article, content and the reach!

2. Fashion store

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

Your artistic sense and quick learning are one of the reasons why you can join this train. Either a home store or a rented outlet where you can sell finished or semi-finished clothing, accessories, shoes, bags etc (a capital requirement for a home store is low too). Infact, your secret advantage is using your networking skills around your locality to garner customers!

3. Tuition Centre

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

If you are willing to stay at home and know that your time management skills are extremely on point, this is what you can do. More so, if you enjoy being with kids and have a decent degree in education, Home tuitions are a brilliant option. You can teach kids anything from academics to dancing, singing to skating, wherever your strengths lie.

4. Day Care

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

A day-care center is a special advantage if you know your basics and it has a strong revenue model as per your locality. Areas with families who have both parents working would love to have a day-care center around.

5. Cooking classes

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

Well, if the entire house relishes on your food, why not spread this magic to more people? Yes, you can hold some cooking workshops at your home, or conduct regular cooking classes for both amateurs, youngsters, and other housewives.

6. Beauty Parlour

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

If you have a prior course certification in make-up artistry, you can start a beauty parlor and hire 1-2 people who can assist you alongside. It offers a great RoI with minimum Investment

7. Translator

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

Are you proficient in different languages? Say Hindi and English? You can opt to translate documents, correspondence, meetings and phone calls for companies who deal with clients with different backgrounds. In today’s age when the world is a global village, there is great scope for a translator!

8. Candle Making

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

If you already know the art of making candles, you can conduct classes or workshops to train amateurs in this craft. You can also make some for selling purposes – there is a line of a variety of candles like aroma candles, gel candles, water candles, and so many others.

9. Fitness Trainer

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

Are you a fitness freak? Do you spend more hours in the gym than at home? Here’s what you can do – train and motivate people to be in shape just like you do for yourself. You can also opt for other alternatives from the same field as a yoga trainer, Zumba trainer, aerobics teacher, and so many others

10. Jewellery business

Top 10 Business Ideas For Housewives

Jewelry business records high profits in a group of close peers. If you have a good understanding of stones, gems, and metal – why not customize jewelry designs for your friends and earn something from it?

Being a housewife is a privilege. You take care of a family, raise kids, look after your husband. You owe some time to yourself, so give yourself an hour in the 24-hours day and follow your passion!

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