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Tired Of Seeing Insurance Ads With Similar Old Cliche? Give Yourself A Second Chance With This Brand Film

| Published on December 12, 2018

With the advancement of technology and growth of internet, the way brands advertise themselves has transformed in a big way. This is mainly due to the change in behavior of the audience. One industry that is still trying to catchup with the changing user behavior when it comes to the content used in advertising is- Insurance sector. If you do a quick dipstick of the advertising content released by the traditional Insurance companies, you can easily notice that they seem to be out of fresh ideas for promotion as they are showing similar old stories that everyone is tired of watching. The communication is either too in-your-face sales message, or fear-inducing messaging, or worse – attempts at humor that are come across as trying too hard.

Apart from redundancy in the messaging, there is a stereotypical trend that has dominated Insurance advertising. In most of the ads, males are shown as the ones who take all the financial decisions while women mostly play a helpless dependent. This is despite the fact that even traditional brands from other industries have made several ads with engaging and new ideas. To break this clutter, COCO by DHFL General Insurance has launched a brand film that is winning hearts all across the Indian internet space due to the way they have portrayed the joy of giving a second chance to everyone.

Tired Of Seeing Insurance Ads With Similar Old Cliche? Give Yourself A Second Chance With This Brand Film

The brand film named “Second Chance” is the story of a widowed man giving himself a second chance with an old widow woman. With this, the brand is addressing millions of senior citizens in the country who somehow stop following their heart due to the norms of Indian society. The video celebrates going beyond socio-cultural stereotypes and giving yourself a second chance.
Tired Of Seeing Insurance Ads With Similar Old Cliche? Give Yourself A Second Chance With This Brand Film

Most elder people in our country face a time when they feel the lack of having someone to share their emotions and live happily. The short film shows how the brand celebrates second chances in life – whether it is for people or their vehicles. Another thing that makes this brand film unique is showing the son helping his father who is searching love in his old age, which is starkly radical as compared to conventional wisdom where you would expect kids to oppose their parents for a remarriage. To educate the audience about their new car insurance plan- COCODrive, the video shows an accident that happens when the old man tries to propose his love. As the car was insured under COCODrive, he gets a second chance propose again. The film ends with the senior couple getting married.


The brand has been integrated in the story-telling in a way that it occurs naturally in the film and not in an in-your-face, force-fitting manner. Such films have a long-lasting impact on the viewers and help in building a brand image that is based on customer experience (both pre and post sales) rather than self-praise by a brand. You can watch the complete brand film below:


What are some ways you believe Indian insurance ads can improve? Do share them with us and let us know your views on this brand film in the comments section.

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