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Meta’s New App “THREADS” Sparks Hilarious Internet Memes And Reactions

Meta's launch of the new 'Threads' app has sparked a wave of hilarious and relatable memes across social media.

| Published on July 6, 2023

From clever comparisons to Twitter to comical depictions of users diving headfirst into the world of Threads, people have embraced their creativity to capture the essence of this latest addition.

Memes featuring enthusiastic users eagerly exploring the extended post length and multimedia sharing options have garnered a chuckle or two, while others have playfully imagined Threads as the superhero of social networking, ready to take on its rivals.

With a mix of wit, humor, and a touch of satire, these memes highlight the excitement and curiosity surrounding Threads, providing a lighthearted glimpse into the online community’s response.

Memes Threads




Mark Zuckerberg tweeted after 11 years and it’s about ‘THREADS’

Elon Musk reacts to meme about Threads being Twitter’s ‘copy’

What are you waiting for? Go and make your threads!!!

Also Read: Here’s All You Need To Know About Meta’s Recently Launched App ‘Threads’

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