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TATA Motors, Apple & TATA CLIQ Luxury Take Top Spots In Havas CX’s X Index 2024 India Report

In its sixth edition, Havas CX India’s ‘The X Index 2024 - The New CX Contract: Going Beyond Expectations’ report reveals that the trifecta of efficiency, pleasure, and going the extra mile is the secret sauce that jointly drives value for customer experience.

| Published on August 22, 2024

TATA Motors, Apple & TATA CLIQ Luxury Take Top Spots In Havas CX’s X Index 2024 India Report

Havas CX India, part of Havas Creative Network, has unveiled the sixth edition of its ‘The X Index 2024- The New CX Contract: Going Beyond Expectations’ report wherein TATA Motors, Apple and TATA CLIQ Luxury have nabbed top spots for customer experience.

Recognising that Indian customers’ preferences have evolved and made it possible for them to differentiate brands for them, the report highlights that while brands that persist in operating under the previous paradigm have been caught off guard, some have already begun to capitalise on this recent shift.

In its sixth year, the global X Index report by the specialised customer experience vertical of Havas India which also includes Think Design & Ekino features a proprietary research tool that helps determine and measure the most critical factors in customer experience after surveying 55,000 consumers in 9 global markets, including the US, UK, France, Mexico, India, Portugal, Spain, Brazil and Argentina, to evaluate the customer experience performance of 525 brands.

The X Index report used 23 metrics across four key measures– Functional, Emotional, Personal, and Collective– to determine what criteria can create a compelling customer experience and included a scorecard where consumers evaluated how well brands meet different experience touchpoints throughout the consumer journey, from social media to after-sale service.

As a result, Havas CX examined customer experience with bricks-and-clicks brands, retailers that maintain brick-and-mortar stores in addition to selling online, and pure players, Internet-only retailers, covering 50 brands from across 9 categories.

The top ten brands as per X Index 2024 India report are TATA Motors, Apple, TATA Cliq Luxury, Kia, Samsung, ITC, NEXA, Zara, JBL and TATA Cliq Palette.

Additionally, the X Index 2024 report also reveals that there is a New CX Contract as gone are the days where simply meeting expectations was sufficient and businesses are now required to adopt a holistic approach that combines functionality, emotional engagement, and going above-and-beyond customers’ expectations.

“India stands out for its heightened focus on creating personal experiences. While brand relationships remain important, a power shift is underway. Functional benefits have been nudged down a notch, replaced by a burning desire for recognition and personalised rewards. Indian consumers are demanding to be seen as individuals, not just wallets on legs. They want to partner with brands that value them and meaningfully show them ‘what’s in it for me?’,” the report mentions.

As elaborated in the report, the three defining elements of customer experience that drive satisfaction for Indians are:

1. Differentiated experiences continue to be paramount
The single most impactful element of CX, across players in India, was providing unique, novel or innovative experiences to customers. This is a pattern not seen in the other markets.

2. But you must provide great value in exchange for the data provided
Indians are comfortable sharing their data with the brands they associate with. However, there is a latent expectation that the brand respect their privacy and also provide personalized utility in exchange.

3. Efficiency and enjoyment are hygiene in all CX interactions
Bootstrapped CX simply doesn’t cut it anymore. With a keen focus on differentiation, brands are expected to be functionally and emotionally effective. Experiences that fail on the two counts of efficiency and pleasure, lose.

“Like in the earlier iterations of the X Index barometer, Indians continue to value the relationships they form with brands. They continue to want brand interactions that make them feel valued as customers, but this now comes with an added layer – the expectation of a meaningful relationship that also gives back to the customer,” the report highlights.

Furthermore, the X Index 2024 report also shed light on the three key principles for brands to adapt to the New CX Contract and the same are mentioned below:

1. Efficiency is not a preference, it’s an expectation!
Indian consumers are clear: smooth and efficient interactions are the price of admission. Yes, the real thrill lies in brands that go beyond the expected, weaving delight and surprise into the journey. But efficiency forms the essential foundation of any brand interaction.

2. Make every interaction enjoyable!
India, a land steeped in tradition and relationships, thrives on emotional connections. Here, surprising customers with delightful experiences goes a long way. Technology, when used strategically, can be a powerful tool to deliver such experiences. This can range from personalised recommendations and targeted reward programs to interactive features that resonate with customers. This emotional resonance translates to instant gratification and fosters long-term loyalty in this highly contextual market.

3. Go above & beyond!
In India, there’s a love for everything large and elaborate, with a tendency to go above and beyond for any occasion. This extends to their expectations from brands. Brands that go the extra mile and adapt to the “culture of excess” by offering premium experiences and exceeding expectations are likely to thrive in the Indian market.

Commenting on the launch of the report, David Shulman, Global CEO, Havas CX Network, said, “At Havas CX, our mission has always been to stay ahead of the curve in understanding and delivering what customers truly value. The X Index 2024 – India Edition highlights a pivotal shift in customer expectations globally and in India, where efficiency, emotional engagement, and personalized experiences have become non-negotiable. This year’s findings across nine markets reaffirm that to remain competitive, brands must go beyond merely meeting expectations and strive to exceed them at every touchpoint. Together, we are setting new standards in customer experience, driving innovation, and creating lasting connections with consumers worldwide.”

To this, Rana Barua, Group CEO, Havas India, South-East Asia and North Asia (Japan and South Korea), added, “Over the past few years, Havas CX India has emerged as a key player within the Havas India ecosystem. Together with Think Design and Ekino, it forms a powerful network. In today’s rapidly evolving market, customer experience is crucial to brand success. When we launched X Index in India, we addressed a significant gap – brands needed data-driven insights to elevate their CX journeys. Four years on, the report has become an industry benchmark, a trendsetter, and a tool for forecasting market shifts. This year’s X Index continues to provide invaluable insights, preparing brands to be future-ready. Congratulations to all the brands featured.”

Furthermore, Prashant Tekwani, Managing Director, Havas CX India and Ekino India, also commented, “India’s CX landscape is rapidly evolving, and at Havas CX, we are at the forefront of this transformation. The X Index 2024 – India Edition reveals how Indian consumers are increasingly seeking personalized and emotionally resonant experiences. ​Our deep understanding of local nuances, combined with our global expertise, allows us to craft strategies that not only meet but exceed the expectations of Indian customers. As we continue to innovate, Havas CX India remains committed to delivering experiences that are as diverse and vibrant as the market we serve.”

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