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Research Revealed That Co-Workers Cause More Stress In Work Than Your Boss!

| Published on August 21, 2017

We all are worried about our bosses! We definitely go through the plights of working and reaching office in time and completing our projects on time just to get rid of our boss’s wrath.

But what if I say you that your way of thinking is proved wrong? Yes! Not your bosses but your coworkers are the reason of your stress at the end of your day.

Research Revealed That Co-Workers Cause More Stress In Work Than Your Boss!

According to studies, it is currently revealed that co-workers create more stress than project managers, leaders or bosses! But this is not a one day study or research. It’s been carried out for last 20years and has come up with this conclusion.

A 20 year-long study by Tel Aviv University grouped 820 adults between the age group 25-65 years from different fields of profession. Their health was monitored since 1988 and they were kept under constant observations. Questions followed on their experience and relationships with the boss and colleagues. And the result was beyond imagination.

Studies revealed that their health was not affected by their work hours or the behavior of their boss towards them, it was their colleagues! Be careful! But the good behavior of the boss didn’t have much effect on the mortality graph.

The meaner a colleague is, there is more risk of dying. Can’t believe your eyes? Well, that’s what science says! Middle-aged workers with little or no social support in the workplace were 2.4 times more likely to die.

The study was conducted by Dr. Sharon Toker and others of the Department of Organizational Behaviour at the University and published in the journal Health Psychology in 2011. One-third were Women. To surprise, almost 53 of the people died who got no social support from their peers.

Research Revealed That Co-Workers Cause More Stress In Work Than Your Boss!

Later in 2013, a campaign was carried out by TINYPulse based on 40,000 anonymous employees where they actually found out that behavior with coworkers has more impact on mortality rate than with the boss. Another survey by WorkWorries.com found that 62% of employees are stressed with their coworkers. The researchers led to only one point that happiness of an employee relied more on their relationship with their peers.

Research Revealed That Co-Workers Cause More Stress In Work Than Your Boss!

A 2015 paper from Harvard Business School describes what is called ‘toxic workers’. Those are the people around in office that speak of you behind your back or laugh at you. More like an office bully. They are the reason most people fail to survive at an office.

So all you working people give it a thought! Next time you feel not good to be at the office just know that the reason is just not the man who is leading you but also the ones who are working with you.

Research Revealed That Co-Workers Cause More Stress In Work Than Your Boss!

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