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NDTV Partners With Google, Leverages Data To Drive 24% New User Growth

NDTV partnered with Google to leverage real-time data insights for refining its content strategy. Recognising the limitations of traditional engagement measurement tools, NDTV embarked on a mission to develop a data-driven framework to enhance the quality and engagement of its published content.

| Published on June 27, 2024

NDTV Partners With Google, Leverages Data To Drive 24% New User Growth

NDTV has achieved success through its innovative partnership with Google, focusing on real-time data insights to refine its content strategy. Recognising the limitations of traditional engagement measurement tools, NDTV went on a mission to develop a data-driven framework aimed at improving the quality and engagement of its published content.

This collaboration led to the implementation of a machine learning-based process that allowed NDTV to accurately identify high-performing articles and those needing refinement. By leveraging real-time insights, editors could strategically focus on topics and formats that garnered the highest viewership, optimising the content strategy to meet audience demands more effectively.

Within the first quarter of deploying this framework, NDTV witnessed substantial growth. New user growth increased by 24%, page views moved up by 12%, average session duration extended significantly and bounce rate improved by 3.7%. These metrics underscore the success of NDTV’s new strategy in attracting and retaining a larger audience, marking a significant milestone in its digital transformation journey.

Senthil Chengalvarayan, Executive Director of NDTV, stated, “NDTV is synonymous with trust and excellence in journalism. Our dedication to outstanding content is unwavering. To further enhance our standards, our editorial teams developed a cutting-edge Newsroom Quality Index. Leveraging Google products and other databases, this tool provides near real-time insights, enabling us to continually refine and optimize our articles for greater impact and audience engagement.”

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