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Muslim Delivery Boy Saying ‘Diwali Wish Kiya, Mithai Toh Khila Do’ Proves Festivals Have No Religion

| Published on November 1, 2019

Social media platforms are places where we share our stories, our memories and our feelings with the world. More often than not, this is where we find the good news, heartfelt stories, and the mind-boggling happenings and pure feelings of joy.

A similar scenario was seen during the festival of lights in India, Diwali. Diwali is a time when there is a celebration all around and each individual is busy in decorations, rangolis and well, enjoying a good meal.

A good meal is what Tanwisha Kanjilal was looking at when she shared her story with the world on Facebook.

The good memory

Tanwisha Kanjilal ordered food and interacted with the delivery person when he requested her for a good rating. Tanwisha was nice to agree and politely thanked him for the delivery while wishing him Happy Diwali!

Muslim Delivery Boy Saying 'Diwali Wish Kiya, Mithai Toh Khila Do' Proves Festivals Have No Religion

The weird part

A little later, Tanwisha got a call from the same delivery person saying how she wished him Happy Diwali but didn’t offer him, sweets. (Ma’am, Diwali wish kiya ek mithhai toh khila do) Getting such a call was a little scary for her but since it was Diwali, she decided to do the needful and offered him three sweets and a glass of water.

The learning

The delivery boy enjoyed those sweets and the joy on his face convinced Tanwisha to offer him more sweets. She asked him why is that he is working an empty stomach? To which she got to know that he was a Muslim who enjoyed Diwali and it was all an incentive for him!

Religion is not the end of the world, you can belong or be anywhere but your faith and your beliefs matter. Ateast, that is what Tanwisha learned when she wrote on her Facebook post – how she found ‘God’ on Diwali.

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