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This Mumbai Guy Left His American Dream To Help People In India And Africa

| Published on October 29, 2017

Most of the Indians that move to foreign countries forget about the land from they come from and start enjoying the life of English countries. The story of this guy named Dhairya Pujara is different. He left his American dream of living the life to fullest for helping the people in India and Africa. Read this story to get some motivation to do something meaningful for your motherland and the people who live in it.

This Mumbai Guy Left His American Dream To Help People In India And Africa

Dhairya went to U.S. to fulfill his dreams. He did his Masters in biomedical engineering and also had a very good job but destiny had some bigger plans for him. On the very first day of his job, he decided to quit it. The reason that he told everyone was that he is not someone who is comfortable in doing a 9 to 5 job.

After that, he started his own company YCenter in 2013 along with his partner Aditya Brahmabhatt. In the beginning, he decided to set up YCenter in Philadelphia and moved to New York later. He has been to Mozambique and Kenya and says that many African countries are adopting his business model.

This Mumbai Guy Left His American Dream To Help People In India And Africa

All he wants is to teach the people of village basic education that can help them in every aspect of life. He calls himself more of a speaker than an entrepreneur.
His life resembles a lot with the father of our nation Mahatma Gandhi who also went to Africa and came back to change the lives of Indian people. Pujara focuses on teaching communication and skills and personality development which can help people of small cities in long run.

In an interview with Indiatimes, he said that “My idea was to realize the concept of ‘teach a man how to fish and he will eat for life’. Which is what happened when people in Africa began to adopt newer things we introduced – like getting checked for Malaria at the push of a button in their mobile phones as soon as they suspected any symptoms,”.

This Mumbai Guy Left His American Dream To Help People In India And Africa

After helping the villagers in Africa he decided to do the same for Indian people and came back to India as soon as possible. He conducted free seminars and workshops in Dharavi in which he helped teenagers about learning good communication skills. He is also using the teaching pattern used in countries like U.S. to make studies interactive and easy for the students.

The story of Dhairya Pujara is truly inspirational and gives a great lesson to the youngsters who are dreaming about settling their life in abroad. No feeling is better than doing something valuable for your motherland.

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