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Man Gets Hired For Killing Mosquitoes With His Toxic Farts

| Published on December 13, 2019

In last few days, we have posted some weird ideas of jobs that actually pay well. Trust us, this job idea will surely make you laugh. A man whose farts kill mosquitoes claims to been signed by insect repellent companies probing the secret of his killer gas as reported by U.K popular newspaper- The Sun.

Man Gets Hired For Killing Mosquitoes With His Toxic Farts

Not only this, it is claimed that Joe, the 48 years old from Kampala, Uganda has saved several people of his village from Malaria through his dangerous yet protective fart! The odd job man says no one in his home village has ever contracted malaria because his powers knock out insects over a six-mile radius. If true, that would make his fallout zone larger than that of the atomic bomb which destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.” as reported by The Sun.

Man Gets Hired For Killing Mosquitoes With His Toxic Farts

According to a local barber, when Joe is around, mosquitoes in the nearby area vanish. “He is respectful of people around him and will only fart when there are mosquitoes around which bring malaria. His farts get rid of this disease”, he told The Sun.

Joe says that “No one in his home village has ever contracted malaria because his powers knock out insects over a six mile radius. If true, that would make his fallout zone larger than that of the atomic bomb which destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.”

Joe didn’t reveal the name of the company, but he claims that they are paying him millions to create the new repellent.


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