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These LinkedIn Stats Prove Why It Is Such An Important Social Media Platform For 2019

| Published on January 4, 2019

There is no doubt that LinkedIn is one of the most sought-after professional social media platforms available today. The popularity of LinkedIn hasn’t diminished over the years and in fact, it is growing steadily. These stats will tell you how and why LinkedIn is important for you and your business’s professional growth

LinkedIn was established on 5th May 2003

It went public on May 19, 2011

These LinkedIn Stats Prove Why It Is Such An Important Social Media Platform For 2019

LinkedIn has over 500 million users worldwide

260 million users log on to LinkedIn each month

40% of the monthly active users use LinkedIn daily.

61 million LinkedIn users are senior level people and 40 million are in decision-making positions

LinkedIn is the most-used social media platform amongst Fortune 500 companies.

These LinkedIn Stats Prove Why It Is Such An Important Social Media Platform For 2019

Of the 2 billion millennial populations globally, 87 million are on LinkedIn.

There are 56% of male users and 44% female users on LinkedIn.

After US, India, Brazil, Great Britain and Canada have the highest number of LinkedIn users.

28% of All Internet male users use LinkedIn, whereas 27% of All Internet Female users use LinkedIn.

44% of Linked users earn more than $75,000 in a year.

There are over 39 million students and recent grads on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is the #1 channel B2B marketers use to distribute content at 94%.

Of 500 million users, just 3 million users share content weekly.

These LinkedIn Stats Prove Why It Is Such An Important Social Media Platform For 2019

LinkedIn makes up more than 50% of all social traffic to B2B websites & blogs.

91% of marketing executives list LinkedIn as the top place to find quality content.

92% of B2B marketers include LinkedIn in their digital marketing mix.

Only 1 million users have published an article on LinkedIn.

About 45% of LinkedIn article readers are in upper-level positions (managers, VPs, Directors, C-level).

How-to & list posts perform the best on LinkedIn.

Posts split into 5, 7, or 9 headings perform the best.

Articles with titles between 40-49 characters perform the best on LinkedIn.

Articles without video perform better than those with video.

80% of B2B leads come from LinkedIn vs. 13% on Twitter & 7% on Facebook.

Microsoft paid $26.2 billion to buy LinkedIn.

These LinkedIn Stats Prove Why It Is Such An Important Social Media Platform For 2019

Linkedin’s Q1 2018 revenue was $976 million.

LinkedIn’s Q2 2018 revenue increased by 37% to $1.4 billion.

Linkedin generates $371,474 per employee.

41% of millionaires use LinkedIn.

LinkedIn now has over 26 million companies and 15 million active job listings.

1 million professionals have published a post on LinkedIn.

An average user spends 17 minutes monthly on Linkedin.

LinkedIn profiles with professional headshots get 14 times more profile views.

Statistical Analysis and Data Mining are Top skills on Linkedin.

59% of Linkedin members have never worked at a company with more than 200 employees.

There are 5.5 million accountants on LinkedIn.

There are 3 million MBA graduates on LinkedIn.

79% of B2B marketers see LinkedIn as an effective source of lead generation.

There have been 11 billion endorsements on LinkedIn.

The average CEO has 930 connections.

The most overused profile word continues to be “Motivated” – which also topped 2014 and 2015.

More than 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn regularly.

LinkedIn SlideShare now has 70 million monthly active users.

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