Netflix is a brand everyone has heard of. Whether one wants to just chill after a particularly hectic day, or even if there is a planned movie night with friends, Netflix always comes to the rescue. Within 22 years of inception, this streaming platform is one of the most highly used and recalled brand for long, all over the world. And this surely has us learning a few things from the brand’s marketing strategy, which essentially concentrates on creating value and spending minimally on advertising.
Let’s see a few more takeaways from the brands marketing strategy over the years.
1. Marketing need not always be serious
Netflix in a major believer and a classic example of the concept that ‘Humor drives engagement’. It helps audiences to relate to the brand and its offering. Though there certainly is some risk involved, with one’s content proving offensive and rude in places, where nothing like this was intended, Netflix, shows involving non-controversial and crisp humor so as to convey one’s point, can go a long way in establishing relatability and customer engagement.
2. Value and take interest in your customers
When a particular brand substantiates or endorses a client, and assures that their decision to use their product is absolutely correct, customers feel a sense of elation and surety. Netflix appreciates and values its customers by retweeting their tweets and also supports content creation. And though a lot of brands do this, Netflix’s involvement in their customers’ interest, is on a different level.
Also, offering variety to a customer is likely to have customers spending more time with options of the product. For example, on an average, a person runs through 40-50 options before arriving at any particular movie or show.
3. Personalization
Checking up on customer browsing behavior, helps them enhance customer experience. Based on personalization, they recommend content for its audiences via direct and captivating emails. This shows the importance of being able to communicate well about an offering, without being too pushy.
Though having a list of emails to delete sounds like a boring job, Netflix nails email marketing. Depending on the ratings given by a user, device used to watch, timing etc. Netflix send emails to its users, regarding the same. They do this in order to better customer experience and they don’t throw a list of options but offer a show or movie as a suggestion, asking any user to watch it or skip it. They also have push notification options for those who have opted for them, and both these things are done in simple and lucid language.
4. Multi-channel marketing
What started a s a DVD service, is now the number one streaming channel. So many of our smart TVs have Netflix installed. One can watch it on one’s phone or laptop or TV. The brand used a multi-channel approach in order to connect with people online and offline as well. Utilising social media platforms like SnapChat and Twitter, Netflix aligned their marketing strategy to engage users there. This ensured huge coverage, showing that engaging customers on multiple touchpoints, heightens customer interest in one’s products.
With so much to learn from Netflix, there’s one thing that makes the brand stand out. And that is quality content. Netflix stand stronger than its competitors because if the sheer proportion of fantastic original content that they have. So, another takeaway is- Quality over everything else!