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Kerala Court Summons Baba Ramdev & Acharya Balkrishna Over Patanjali ‘Misleading’ Ads Case

A Kerela Court has ordered Patanjali Ayurved’s Founder Baba Ramdev and its Managing Director Acharya Balkrishna to appear before it on June 3, 2024, in a case of publishing of ‘misleading’ advertisements in English and Malayam.

| Published on May 23, 2024

Kerala Court Summons Baba Ramdev & Acharya Balkrishna Over Patanjali 'Misleading' Ads Case

Patanjali Ayurved’s Founder Baba Ramdev and its Managing Director Acharya Balkrishna have been directed by a Kerela Court to make an appearance in court on June 3, 2024, in a case of publishing of ‘misleading’ advertisements in English and Malayam.

The order was issued by Judicial First-Class Magistrate Court in Kozhikode. The Drugs Inspector, Office of the Assistant Drugs Controller, Kozhikode filed a complaint in Kozhikode Court against Divya Pharmacy, which stores Patanjali Ayurved’s products, as per reports.

The case has been filed under Section 3 of The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act, 1954. Section 3 prohibits the advertisement of certain drugs for the treatment of certain diseases and disorders.

According to reports, the specific allegation was that ‘misleading’ advertisements were published claiming that the “Divya Lipdom” tablet manufactured by Divya Pharmacy claimed to reduce abnormal levels of cholesterol and fat in the body and to improve fat metabolism. And, the product “Nutrella Diabetic Care” manufactured by Patanjali Ayurved claims to manage blood sugar levels and body weight.

Furthermore, reports stated that the complaint alleges a violation of Section 3(b) and 3 (d) of The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act. Section 3 (b) prohibits advertisements of drugs claiming maintenance or improvement of the capacity of human beings for sexual pleasure. Section 3 (d) prohibits advertisements of drugs that claim the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of any disease, disorder or condition of diseases provided in the Rules made under the Act specified in the Schedule, or any other disease, disorder or condition.

This development comes days after the Supreme Court heard a plea filed by the Indian Medical Association (IMA) regarding a purported smear campaign by Patanjali and its founders Ramdev and Balkrishna, against the COVID-19 vaccination drive and modern medicine. The apex court recently reserved its verdict in contempt of the court case against Patanjali Ayurved over the ‘misleading’ ads and exempted them from making a personal appearance in the court.

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