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Interview With Aditi Malhotra, A Leading Lifestyle Blogger

| Published on August 28, 2018

Just like the multiple talents, she posses, from being events & weddings professional to a content writer, a home chef, and an artist, Aditi’s blog Ikreate Passions, also splashes all these colors of her personality. After some 3 odd years in blogging, today her blog has carved an identity of its own. Let’s see what she has to say about her journey.

Aditi Malhotra

Tell us about your journey, how did blogging come into the picture? Are you a full-time blogger?

Well, blogging started as a passion to write and express. I wanted to share my poetry, short stories etc. with people and it started some 8 years ago, but then due to personal reasons I gave up on that blog. Then some 3.5 years ago, I started again, and this time I held on to it. It was still about sharing my experiences into all the passions I have. No, I am not a full-time blogger, I have other professional things to look into as well.

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Tell us more about your life story. What did you do before you set up your blog?

Before setting up my blog and even after setting it up and running it, professionally I have been into events & weddings all my life. Strategy Development and Content Marketing is the other field I look into, apart from owning a small travel and food-related business.

How did you decide on a niche for your blog?

I never wanted a niche for my blog, I wanted to keep it just like myself. I am a person who has different passions and not just one. So even on my blog, I write about everything I like and hence there is something for everyone who reads it. If I read and like a book, I write about it, If I enjoy eating at a place, I share my experience, my trips, my events, my recipes, you will find pieces of me in every writing of mine on the blog

What challenges have you faced with your blog?

Major challenges have come from lack of backend knowledge and thus the technical issues and glitches and dependency on a website developer.

Skills or Qualities required for becoming a Lifestyle Blogger

Again for me, more than skills and qualifications, blogging is about passion and expression. Rest yes, to keep up with times and to get a good readership, decent writing skills and photography is a must.

Was becoming a lifestyle blogger something you always wanted to do?

I never planned it, it’s all accidental.

Describe your personal fashion style for our readers.

My personal fashion style is something, which is both comfortable and stylish. I love both Indian and Western Wear and you can never be sure of what you will catch me wearing. I could be in dresses, suits, shorts, denim or even a saree.

Which was the one trip that changed everything for you?

My trip to Goa last year has brought in a lot of changes in my life, and all for good so I consider it to be one of the most important trips ever. Otherwise, each and every trip is a memorable one and taught me something or the other.

Which cuisine is your favorite and recommend the top 5 restaurants that you totally believe in?

I love Chinese and Italian and the restaurants that I love will include
Bhape Da Hotel- Delhi
Urban Tadka- Mumbai
Chungwa- Delhi
Jamie’s Italian- Delhi
Gun Powder-Goa

Which technology has impressed you the most so far?

Interview With Aditi Malhotra, A Leading Lifestyle Blogger

Video Calling- being a traveler, I love it and value it as it gives me an opportunity to see my loved ones even when I am not physically present there.

Which aspect of lifestyle is closest to your heart, that you enjoy writing most about?

Travel, I guess that’s the most enriching experiences for me and I love writing about it.

What according to you is the future of blogging in India?

I think it’s here to stay, as more and more brands are acknowledging the social media influencer power and the impact that we are able to make with the audience at large.

Tell us 3 other blogs you religiously follow and absolutely love.

The Backpack Footprint
Travels With The Crew
Scale it Simple

What advice would you give to other people who want to start their own blogs?

Interview With Aditi Malhotra, A Leading Lifestyle Blogger

Don’t start a blog because you think it’s glamorous to have a blog but do it because you believe in it. Whether you choose a niche, or keep it a mixed bag, do it passionately and with 100% dedication. Don’t do it for some free food or barter deals. In the long run that won’t pay, but your sheer hard work will, and those things will come automatically as by-products, but don’t base your blogging on it, base it on passion.

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Well, to be honest, I don’t plan that ahead because if someone asked me 5 years ago, I had no clue that I would be blogging this way. So lets rather wait and watch, but I am sure I will be doing something exciting passionately.

You can follow Aditi on Instagram


And read her blog at


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