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6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

| Published on September 30, 2017

6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

Instagram is the most growing social network right now and to be successful in online marketing one can not make the mistake to ignore it now. So if you are interested to know about the latest tips and tools to use for marketing using Instagram, this article is for you.

1. Know your target audience

6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

Like any other marketing strategy you should know the audience you are targeting for your marketing campaign. Try to know about your audience, their likes dislikes everything.

2. Use Relevant Hashtags

6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

Every marketer knows the power of hashtags but still very few of them are using them correctly. There is a very thin line between using them perfectly and overdoing it. We recommend not to use more than 7-8 hashtags in a post and try to use the most trending ones.

3. Timing to Post

6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

You have to post at the correct time, this makes a huge difference, try to find out the best suitable time for your audience and if you want a general idea, most working people check their Instagram account from 5pm-7pm. Some more tips about the timing is trying to focus on non-working hours and weekends the most.

4. Call to Action

6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

Don’t forget to add call-to-action on your profile it can be anything like an option for calling or e-mail. Try to create an urgency to the users so that you get maximum clicks on the buttons. You should also add a link to your website if you have any.

5. Tell Stories

6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

If you are using Instagram you already know the option of telling stories on Instagram, it is a wonderful option for marketers it makes you tell a story with the help of several images and stories are something marketers always love to convey.

6. Make Contests Posts

6 Instagram Tips To Use In Your Marketing Strategy

Contests posts are very user engaging, users love to participate if you can gift a giveaway for the followers, you can also ask them about the caption of the image or any changes which they want in the page. Try to be as unique as possible in the giveaways.

These were tips to keep in mind while using Instagram as a marketing tool. Do share your thoughts on it in the comment section and also feel free to tell your experience on Instagram as a marketer.

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