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Here’s How You Can Earn Rs 70,000 In 6 Days Working Part Time

| Published on September 10, 2019

Want to be rich in just 6 days? Who doesn’t want to? No, this is not some article to advertise any “get-rich-quick” schemes. But a realization article that one should take a realistic approach, and the first step to it is to acknowledge that we all start somewhere. 

The side-hustle!

You might be having a regular job to be busy with the entire day but what if you could do a side mini-profitable business where you can earn a good amount and the entire thing being purely automatic. Whether you are out at a grocery store at 8 pm, or when you wake up in the morning at 7 am, the sales are just rolling in automatically.

Interesting isn’t it?

So, let us know how you can start an online side business even if you are working at a 9-to-5 day job, or just starting to blog, or just don’t know how/where to begin.

Here's How You Can Earn Rs 70,000 In 6 Days Working Part Time

How to Begin?

Most of this online side business is completely dependent on “tools” and tactics such as:
1. The best SEO plugin to use?
2. Top 5 tools to get traffic. How to get 32 percent conversion rate?
3. Company X raised Y million in funding.

All these are methods to bluff and attract customers to your product. But there are also entrepreneurs who had a huge valuation game, didn’t have a multi-magical idea but still never chased investors.

Everything is a potential business idea if it solves the problem for the audience (customers), the reason why some companies born in just one room are making millions, today. Who can even think “dog training” can be a potential business but surprisingly it is!


How to proceed next?

1. Find a profitable idea

Remember one thing, there won’t be any idea coming to you magically in your dreams. Finding it is the only way. And to your relief, there are some proven techniques you can apply to come up with at least 10-15 ideas in as little as 15 minutes.

Stop getting affected by the “What-if”. Instead, just play. Stop the analysis-paralysis syndrome.

2. Validate it.

Now comes the most important step. Do you know the #1 reason why businesses fail? It is because “they make products no one wants”.

The last thing you want is spending six to nine months on an idea, only to realize later NOBODY will ever pay you for it. A huge amount of opportunity, time, resources and above all your energy – Wasted!

Here's How You Can Earn Rs 70,000 In 6 Days Working Part Time

In other words, people don’t want your product. You need to ask yourself – “Do people actually care? Do they have a problem and are they ready to trust you enough to pay you for it?

This is the step where you validate your idea. It doesn’t have to be complicated with some fancy technology, or complex multivariate analysis. In the initial stages, you just need some lightweight testing to know your idea is feasible.

3. Get your first 1-3 paying customers.

Yes, you read it correctly. Paying customers!

How can you dream of making 1,00,000 a month when you haven’t even earned the 5-figure first? You need to realize the fact that everything starts with ONE. Too many people delude themselves and fall prey to “get-rich-quick” schemes.

The first step to its to acknowledge that we all start somewhere, and it all starts with one. Getting your first 1-3 paying customers means you’ve got something – a solid foundation.

And here’s the fascinating part – once you get your first 1-3, you now know how to get the next 10 customers, or the next 100. You know how to grow your business, your revenue. In short, you learn how to scale.

Always remember the fact that Jeff Bezos or Sachin Bansal do not have 48 hours in a day. It is the same for everyone – you just need to know how to make the best out of it!

Also Read: Here’s How Much Does A Chaiwala Earn In A Month In India

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