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Here’s How Brands Paid Tribute To Fathers On #fathersday

| Published on June 26, 2017

We love our parents and we leave no instance to show our love and affection to them. Days come when we try to show them how thankful we are to have them in our life. Father’s Day or Mother’s Day is one such special occasion when we love to celebrate the day by gifting our parents and making them feel special. Brands to grab these opportunities well to connect with the audience and implement innovative marketing ideas to catch their attention.

Let’s have a look at the most innovative ones that were popular this Father’s day :

1. Nykaa #datewithdad

Nykaa is an e- commerce website that sells beauty related products for both genders. They released a video #datewithdad this year in the eve of Father’s Day. The video opens up with dad reading a newspaper when his daughter arrives informing about her date. The father goes back to old days, he gets nostalgic and doesn’t like his daughter meeting a guy. On doing queries about the boy she is going to meet he comes to know that he is the one. He is her first date!

2. Titan #timewithpa

Titan is a popular brand for watches.They also came up with a video to showcase love for dad. Nowadays youngsters do post pictures and status about their father showing how much thankful they are and yet forget to do something worthy in real life. So the video ‘takes this time to celebrate this’ urges the viewers to come out of the virtual world and start doing something really for their father.

3. Godrej Aer #dadsrequest

Godrej Aer has a range of home and car fragrances and they too were not left behind on this day. The video #dadasrequest features Alok Nath who urges the youngsters to not only post pictures with dad on social media but to spend some quality time with him. Taking him out on a long drive with Godrej Aer Fragrance adding to the ambience would be perfect.

4. Metro Shoes’ #Wonderwoman

Metro Shoes launched its social media campaign, #WonderWoman on the eve of Father’s Day. The campaign was to celebrate the crowd of working women who are successful in their professions and these women speaking the role that their fathers have played in their life! The campaign features some of India’s most successful women entrepreneurs including Farah Malik Bhanji, Amruda Nair and Ankita Mittal speaking about their fathers and how they have inspired them to become a Wonder Woman.

5. Cartoon Network and UNICEF’s #earlymomentsmatter

Cartoon Network India has launched an innovative partnership supporting UNICEF India’s Super Dads, #EarlyMomentsMatter campaign. It is a initiative to celebrate love towards father and the responsibilities that come along with it. It invites families to post photos and videos on Instagram and twitter using hashtag #earlymomentsmatter. It conveyed message among millions of followers that every dad is responsible for developing and bringing up of a child.

Here's How Brands Paid Tribute To Fathers On #fathersday

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