If you are a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned one looking for some inspiration for your established venture, there are some movies based around an entrepreneur’s life that are a must-watch for you. Some of these movies are classics and can be a great source We have made a list of 10 such movies of inspiration and valuable entrepreneurial lessons for you.
We have made a list of 7 such movies which are a must-watch for not only entrepreneurs but for everyone who needs that push in life. And hey, don’t we all?
1. The Pursuit Of Happyness (2006)
One of those timeless classics which can be watched over and over and still be loved and cherished every time you watch it. This movie is based on the real-life story of Chris Gardener and is portrayed brilliantly by Will Smith. This film beautifully showcases the life of a common man with uncommon dreams and his never-give-up attitude and determination. This movie gives a beautiful message that what matters at the end of the day is happiness and life should be invested in the pursuit of it.
2. The Wolf Of Wall Street (2013)

This movie may leave you puzzled at times. There is a lot that happens in the movie and you are left in awe of the magnetic energy and mindset of Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio’s character). As we progress with the movie we realize the major takeaway from the movie is that one should enjoy the process. Jordan Belfort and his partner Stratton Oakmont make many crazy decisions and bear the consequences as well. The movie ends with the classic scene of a seminar where Jordan Belfort comes out of the crowd and asks a man, “Sell Me this pen”. A movie packed with a lot of entrepreneurial inspiration.
3. Nightcrawler (2014)
This movie teaches you how important it is to utilize an opportunity to its fullest. Lou (Jake Gyllenhaal) is a self-motivated and determined stringer who constantly tries to become a pro in his game. Lou is hungry for success and puts in all the hard work to achieve what he wants. We learn how hard work and hunger go hand in hand. Although Lou’s character makes immoral choices, what we can take away from this movie is how one needs to be hungry for his goals.
4. The Devil Wears Prada (2006)
This movie delightfully showcases the transformation of a young woman (Anne Hathway’s character) into a smart and confident lady. The movie is a sheer delight to watch giving a beautiful message that sometimes it is ok to start something new without any knowledge and evolve with the process.
5. Jerry Maguire (1996)

Another movie showcasing the power of passion. This movie shows Jerry’s entrepreneurial zeal and his hunger to achieve his goals. It also focuses on work lie balance and how important it is to value those who value you.
6. Office Space (1999)
Another classic film based on the life of entrepreneurs. Set in an IT company, the film humorously shows what it is like to do something you don’t love. Watching this film gives one a lot of motivation to answer one’s calling.
7. Moneyball (2011)
This film focuses on how innovative leadership plays an important role in business. It gives a very valuable lesson about how important it is to welcome change and be ready to adapt to the new approach as required by circumstances.