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From Getting Thrown From A Job To Ruling The Digital World, Barkha Sethi Shares Her Journey

| Published on October 15, 2019

Barkha is a social media influencer who is popular for her fart video in the car. Barkha is indeed a popular Aashqeen star who has done a lot of videos with him. Other than this, Barkha is loved for her Instagram videos too and her body positivity spirit. She talks about her weight, her confidence to carry her body, style it the way she wants it not the way people want it and then lastly beauty tips to look glamorous. We got a chance to ask her a few questions about her life and digital world.

Looking back to your journey, where did it all begin?

From Getting Thrown From A Job To Ruling The Digital World, Barkha Sethi Shares Her Journey

I have been fortunate enough I guess that my very first job was when I had not even finished college. Then after 1.5 years of work experience in journalism writing, I switched to another job which was PR. I think that was the best decision I took because had I not taken that decision of joining that job I would have not been doing what I am doing today.

Being thrown out of a job for a mere lame reason for asking leaves was something I couldn’t digest. That was the first-ever failure or say rejection of my life. I didn’t see this coming what happened to me next. In next 22 days, I was an entrepreneur starting my own event management company and be a freelancer actor for a theatre group (which I had been doing since my college days) and freelancer actor+ business manager for Aashqeen.

Life seemed so beautiful to me. I was working with three companies and enjoying all of them. I used to work all the time I remember. I had to stretch myself a lot which could only last for 2 years. I had to make a decision because my event company was doing well and growing at a good pace. Either event world or this glamorous Digital world. I chose Aashqeen and this digital industry. And it’s just a start to my long journey in this world.

What made you choose this industry?

From Getting Thrown From A Job To Ruling The Digital World, Barkha Sethi Shares Her Journey

Choosing between my own established event company and this struggle-filled digital world was the toughest call of my life so far. I was quiet, dead from inside and always lost for at least a month before I could decide. But because this digital world of full of new opportunities, it has a scope of me doing random stuff which I could only imagine but would have never done if not a part of this world and last and most importantly, the love I used to get from people who appreciate my work. Randomly walking on a street and someone asks for a selfie with you and say 100 good words to you, Oh my God, that’s a feeling can’t be expressed in words.

Share some Digital Marketing lessons you learned through your experience.

From Getting Thrown From A Job To Ruling The Digital World, Barkha Sethi Shares Her Journey

Entering into this digital world gave me another opportunity in life to not just influence and act, but also sell or market a product.

Initially, these words used to be like oh yes I’ve studied them in school. I know I can do it. But no, practically doing digital marketing is way different from what we read in books. Being from media background, I didn’t have any higher learnings in marketing. I learned things on my own from 1000 cold calls to brands and agencies and 100 failed meetings.

I can summarise my learnings as:

  • They say out of sight out of mind, but that doesn’t mean we should not even allow brand managers to breathe. If you are working well and the brand is really interested in working with you, even if you had shared your profile a year back, it will come to you.
  • When you are selling your product, you know it better. You should be able to deliver right communication to the brands how you can really help them grow their business, because ultimately if they are paying you, they need results.
  • At times, we think and we assume and then we lose strength of understanding brand needs. This doesn’t allow us to match the waves with the brand, ultimately losing to work with them. Your priority should be to understand brand current needs and TG because digital world is dynamic and you have to change yourself too with time.
  • Lastly, who doesn’t want to earn, who doesn’t want to be rich? When you see money coming, you should not lock deals in haste. Both parties should state their terms clearly. If you see yourself at a compromising place, then you should raise your voice and ask for whatever is fair to you, your work and your team efforts. Keep a say but be polite to your client and decide for mutual benefit.

What are some difficulties that you face as a digital influencer?


It seems like there is lot to do but you have insufficient time and hands. At the same time, you get tired/ blocked of working you need frequent breaks too.

There is a lot of content revolving on Internet. There are a number of influencers today creating amazing content. At times you see your idea executed by another fellow influencer. And then you need to find another better idea.

At times content you make works really well and at the other times, it doesn’t work as per your expectations. At that time, you have to be a self-motivator, pick up your broken self and make new content that works next time.

Who are your favourite Digital Influencers?

There are a lot of good people working around us. A lot means I can’t even count them. I follow influencers from all genres of comedy, beauty, lifestyle and Vlogging. But if I have to name them I would say I am crazy for Lilly Singh (Superwoman), I love Thuy Le videos and currently, I’m obsessing over Rasbhari, Gaurav Taneja’s (Flying Beast) daughter.

Some tips for upcoming people who are looking to join this industry?

I tell a lot of people when they ask me if they should do it or not, if you have talent, then do not lock it in a cabinet and wait to show it to your grandchildren. Instagram, Facebook and Youtube are just a click away. Just get started and you never know you are a superstar in near future. We all know the power of Digital world and how people are getting viral within days.

What are your future plans?

I’m really excited to announce my own Youtube channel- Just Friends, which I’ll be sharing with my very dear friend Dikshant. Things that we don’t or can’t do on Aashqeen channel, we are going to do them all here. Basically, the real side of ours will not be hidden here in this channel.

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