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Four Ways By Which Startups Can Help Tackle Employee Burnout

| Published on June 17, 2022

Employee burnout is on the rise. According to research, as much as 52% of employees have experienced burnout at work, and the COVID-19 pandemic is one major contributor to this rise, whereby employees of all age groups have experienced stress and negative feelings about work, mental health challenges, and exhaustion.

The World Health Organization has officially recognized burnout, describing it as a syndrome that results from “chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed,”.

So the question boils down to what a company or individual can do to prevent or tackle this increasingly rampant issue, especially in startups, where one employee could take up to three jobs, along with dealing with other regular problems a new company faces.

Four Ways By Which Startups Can Help Tackle Employee Burnout

Firstly, one has to understand, that when responsibilities become manifold, burnout is bound to happen. This leads to unhappiness affecting job performance and health, as well as work relationships. So, first one needs to identify underlying causes and correct them. Let’s check a few ways by which one can tackle or prevent burnout.


Four Ways By Which Startups Can Help Tackle Employee Burnout

A lot many employees feel they get side-lined easily, and that their inputs or suggestions aren’t exactly received the way they should be. This leads them to feel demotivated, which is the first step toward burnout.

To tackle this, it is important to make them feel one with the decision, and wherever possible let them have a sense of ownership of their individual responsibilities. This encourages them to be personally involved, thereby exhibiting enthusiasm related to their work.

Employers also need to show genuine interest in an employee’s goals and achievements and also encourage them in moving forward, challenging them at the same time.


Four Ways By Which Startups Can Help Tackle Employee Burnout

Startups may not have the time or resources to organize lavish parties or spend on employees’ benefits other than the basic ones. But it is important to ensure that employees stay happy in the office too.

Simple activities like team lunches, or even a no-working hour a week in the office itself, will go a long way in promoting employees to socialize and help them unwind.

Along with these, some weekly, monthly, or quarterly activities could be implemented, with suggestions from employees themselves, to ensure that they feel a part of this process too, thereby making them look forward to such events.

3. Make time for social and family relationships

Four Ways By Which Startups Can Help Tackle Employee Burnout

For everyone, their family is their first priority. And it is important that startup employers respect this, and work around the concept of flexibility.
One can allow employees to come early and finish their work in time, to attend a personal invitation in the evening. Or allowing them to work on an available weekend so that the employee can take a long weekend off to enjoy a short trip.

When an employee feels that their work-life balance is being taken care of by the company, they return to the office fresh and eager to work, in a happy state of mind.

4. Future Opportunities

Four Ways By Which Startups Can Help Tackle Employee Burnout

When employees know that their future is promising in the company they work for, they are motivated enough to work efficiently. Hence, employers can help them by showing them how to grow in their careers and position.

For example, making them attend seminars or workshops, thereby increasing their network and helping them learn at the same time, proving beneficial for the company and themselves. This instills a sense of trust, pride, and motivation in employees.

Workplace burnout needs to be combatted, as it is the motivated and happy employees that will ensure keep the show running.

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