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How An Engineer Became A Travel Writer and Photographer, Pradeep Chamaria’s Story In His Words

| Published on October 4, 2018

Pradeep Chamaria is today a well-known travel writer and photographer and his work often gets published in reputed magazines and papers. Since 1992, he has been sharing and making places desirable for other travelers through his experiential Travel Photography and Travel Writing. Pradeep loves to capture the sights, people, sounds, and stories of the places he visits.

He has been Routinely Published in Srishti, Terrascape, The Statesman, Discover India, Swagat, The Times of India, The Hindustan Times, Sakal Times, The Pioneer etc.

He has also authored a coffee table/pictorial book on Kailash Manasarovar Yatra, and the first edition was sold out in a very short time.  He is also a winner of various photography awards like Incredible India, Fujifilm Travel Photo Awards, etc.  But would you be surprised if we told you that he is actually an engineer by profession? Read on about his journey and transition from an engineer to travel writer and blogger.

How An Engineer Became A Travel Writer and Photographer, Pradeep Chamaria's Story In His Words

Tell us about your journey, how did blogging and travel writing come into the picture? Are you a full-time blogger and writer?

Well, I am an engineer by profession and an avid travel and nature lover. I used and to still write a lot of technical reports for Steel and Oil and Natural Gas sections.

During my initial years as an engineer my work took me to some exotic places and being a photographer I used to click a lot of pics, those were the days of film and one film used to cost a lot. So make money out of my pics I started writing for various newspapers about my travel and destinations supported by my pics.

That’s where I started as a travel writer and photographer.

How An Engineer Became A Travel Writer and Photographer, Pradeep Chamaria's Story In His Words

Are you a full-time blogger?

No, I am not a full-time blogger or writer but don’t mind changing into one.

Tell us more about your life story. What did you do before you set up your blog?

I was and am a full-fledged engineer and a freelance photojournalist before started blogging. I love nature, wildlife, and ecology and traveling to unexplored and lesser known places. Want to continue doing that till the last day of my life.

How did you decide on a niche for your writing?

It came automatically coz of my love for nature, food and the lifestyle that I lead.

How An Engineer Became A Travel Writer and Photographer, Pradeep Chamaria's Story In His Words

Did traveling come easy and free, or did you spend your own money in order to write travel articles and click pictures

Oh yes, initially I spent a lot of money from my pockets but then once I started writing for papers and sale my pics – it got easy for me to continue on my travels.

How An Engineer Became A Travel Writer and Photographer, Pradeep Chamaria's Story In His Words

What challenges have you faced with your blog and writing?

Dirty completion for other bloggers and the stupid run by brands after fake numbers

What advice would you give to other people who want to start their own blogs or get into travel writing?

The most important thing is patience. Nothing comes to you on a snap of fingers. You gotta have quality write-ups and pics to succeed. Don’t buy fake followers

Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years?

Top 5 travel experts.

Skills or Qualities required for becoming a Travel Blogger

Good English, good sense of lights for photography, mad and sick about traveling.

How An Engineer Became A Travel Writer and Photographer, Pradeep Chamaria's Story In His Words

Was becoming a travel blogger something you always wanted to do?

Kind of I always wanted to be a good nature photographer who can explain his pics to even a blind guy.

Which was the one trip that changed everything for you

My first trek in 1992 to Khajjiar and Chamba through snow-filled jungles and slopes

How An Engineer Became A Travel Writer and Photographer, Pradeep Chamaria's Story In His Words

What according to you is the future of travel blogging in India?

Not very bright – people from all the other niche jumping into it for the freebies

You can follow Pradeep’s Blog at


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