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Domex Puts Front-Page Ad On Newspaper Which Smells Like A Cleaned Toilet!

| Published on November 20, 2020

How do you like waking up in the mornings? Hopefully to a fresh cup of tea and coffee, sitting in your garden, taking in the natural aroma as it comes to you. But what if we told you about fresh paper being delivered to you smelling of a freshly cleaned toilet? In one of its first, HUL’s Domex promoted its toilet cleaner with a front-page ad on the Times of India where the paper smelt like a cleaned toilet! Thoughts?

You might have been one of the few who received this paper yesterday, or someone in your family might have reported the same. Lucky are those who do not subscribe to the original newspapers and check the news online! But for the conventional ones, they definitely did not understand where the smell was coming from, that too in the wee hours of the morning!

Domex’s print ad had The Times of India smell like a freshly cleaned toilet

What did Domex do?

By printing a front-page, Domex succeeded in promoting its toilet cleanser by making the ad smell like a cleaned toilet. It wasn’t repulsive as such, and thankfully they stuck to their sanitary guidelines, very much so in today’s age of the coronavirus!

November 19th was ‘World Toilet Day’. While we were surely expecting an ad, the smell was uncalled for but most of us had a good chuckle! Their caption is applaudable and the idea behind this bizarre ad caught the attention of many! A few users took it to Twitter to share about this incident that was a little negative, even though they were appreciative of the thought.

Despite it being an industry level cleaner, people want Domex to be left to the toilet rather than having their entire home smell of cleaner fluid!

Do you think the brand went too far? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.

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