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How Has Digital Media Changed The Wedding Scene In India?

| Published on August 2, 2018

Oh yes, this gen-y belongs to the digital era and when everything is going digital, how can weddings be left behind. The digitization has both benefits and disadvantages, but then what doesn’t? Through digital mediums we lose the human touch and emotions sometimes but then given the fast stressful life, it also makes like easy and things easier to handle.

How Has Digital Media Changed The Wedding Scene In India?

Let us take a look at some of the ways digital media has changed the wedding scenario.

Bride/Groom Search

How Has Digital Media Changed The Wedding Scene In India?

Gone are the days, when the search for a perfect partner used to be a big task, well even now you cannot guarantee how perfect the partner turns out to be, but at least all thanks to matrimonial sites and social media, partner searching is easier. Especially for those looking at arranged kind of marriage, matrimonial sites have helped a great deal in narrowing down your search as per expectations and only then meet the prospects. Even otherwise, online dating, and meeting someone on social platforms, turned romance turned marriages are a common thing.


How Has Digital Media Changed The Wedding Scene In India?

Now in the age of WhatsApp and messengers, e-invites are commonly seen these days. It saves the hassle of posting and sending couriers to distant relatives and also saves the paper, which in itself is a big relief. From save the date, to the main wedding card, the new generation is choosing this digital way of inviting people over the traditional one.


How Has Digital Media Changed The Wedding Scene In India?

So now when you don’t personally hand deliver the wedding card to your relatives, how do you send them your token of love. Well, online shopping vouchers are the solution. A lot of people are making use of online vouchers to gift relatives and similarly, the relatives and friends also use the technique to gift the couple allowing them to buy a gift of their own choice rather than having duplication of gifts.

Online Album

How Has Digital Media Changed The Wedding Scene In India?

Inviting your friends and relatives over to check out your wedding album is a thing of past. Google Drive and Pixabay are options to save, share and showcase your wedding album with anyone and everyone. This makes it easy even for those who were not able to attend the wedding.

Live Streaming

How Has Digital Media Changed The Wedding Scene In India?

A wedding is one of the biggest events for any person, and thus it has all rights to be live streamed. Ok, not like a live cricket match, but at least a live stream for your relatives and friends sitting in another corner of the world. This digital medium is being used at a very vast scale nowadays.

Did you use any of these digital mediums at your wedding, let us know in the comments.

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