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10 Crazy English Signs & Billboards In India That Will Make You Laugh

| Published on July 16, 2017

How many weird things have you seen in life? How much has that made you laugh out harder? Well get ready for more!

You must have noticed millions of billboards each day while you are in your car or while crossing a street. Few of them makes you stand and stare due to there uniqueness but some are in another world of being unique! Such wide range of English vocabulary and crazy ideas to advertise might surely make you laugh harder.

Let’s have a look :

1. What Do You Mean?

Vegetable? Visit-able? I mean what actually does this juice shop needs to say?

10 Crazy English Signs & Billboards In India That Will Make You Laugh

2. Murder Of English

A butcher shop advertising murder! What could be more hilarious?

10 Crazy English Signs & Billboards In India That Will Make You Laugh

3. Shitty

This be the perfect example of a shitty billboard!

funny Billboards india

4. Apostrophe Problem

True some people said, comma and apostrophe creates most problems in this world!

Billboards india

5. Thanks But Not Interested

This can’t get more hilarious by Ikea!


6. In Hot Tea

Do you need to specify nowadays about tea being liquid or is it that some people serve it frozen ?

10 Crazy English Signs & Billboards In India That Will Make You Laugh

7. Pardon, Whaaat?

No words for this!

10 Crazy English Signs & Billboards In India That Will Make You Laugh

8. Pluck-ed

Trees too can be plucked? Like where? Which place?

best Billboards india

9. Translation Gone Wrong

No Parking is quite simple but it’s hindi translation is hilarious!

10 Crazy English Signs & Billboards In India That Will Make You Laugh

10. Highly Prohibited

The hilarious one is for the last!

10 Crazy English Signs & Billboards In India That Will Make You Laugh

Did you find anything more hilarious? Let us know!

Also Read: 7 Mind Boggling Facts About Billboards None Of Us Knew

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