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Challenges & Opportunities Of Rural Marketing In India

| Published on April 15, 2018

Rural India is becoming attractive for the brands due to its large size. Urban customers have so many options plus they are very selective over buying things whereas it is comparatively easy to sell something to people living in rural areas of the country if your brand has won the loyalty of customers.

What is Rural Marketing?

Rural Marketing is defined as the activities taken by marketers to encourage people living in rural areas to increase their purchasing power and buy products that are already available in the rural areas.

Through this article, we would like to share some reasons why brands are shifting their focus from metro cities and what are the issues marketers are facing for achieving success in small cities and villages of India.

Reasons why companies are preferring rural marketing

1. Market size

The number of people that live in rural areas is still very high as compared to the population in urban areas. Also, the buyers are now more comfortable in spending money as they were a decade ago, this is due to the availability of smartphones and internet in most of the areas of our country.

2. Infrastructure is improving

Challenges & Opportunities Of Rural Marketing In India

Infrastructure is one very crucial factor that decides the future of a business for specific areas. Infrastructure in rural areas is improving rapidly and is opening new areas for brands to increase their sales.

3. Financial growth

Challenges & Opportunities Of Rural Marketing In India

Rural areas are experiencing changes in the way people used to live. Financial growth has lead to improvement in literacy rates and both these points make buyers aware of the quality and availability of brands.

Challenges marketers face in rural markets

1. Seasonal demand

Challenges & Opportunities Of Rural Marketing In India

Agriculture is the main source of income of villagers and the demands of products depend upon multiple factors like the monsoon, quality of crops and these things are not stable which makes rural markets unpredictable.

2. Language barrier

Challenges & Opportunities Of Rural Marketing In India

India is a country which is very diverse in terms of cultures and languages used by citizens. These languages vary from state to state which makes marketers confused about the advertising campaigns that they need to use for creating an impact on the consumers.

3. Transportation problems

Challenges & Opportunities Of Rural Marketing In India

Transportation is not that simple in rural areas as compared to the developed cities. A lot of places are not even connected with rail transport which makes the increase in the fund for distributing products to deprived areas.

4. Warehousing problem

Warehousing facilities such as the availability of godowns are not easy in rural India. The godowns are not well managed and controlled leading to loss as a lot of products are wasted.

This will give you a rough idea of the Indian rural market and how it is different from the urban market in the country. If you have any doubts regarding any similar topics related to marketing, you can write about that in the comments section

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