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Businesses That Make Profit Due To New Year Resolutions

| Published on December 15, 2021

We are nearing the home stretch of 2021. And like any other year, a lot of people will be following the tradition of listing at least one, if not many, new year resolutions. Be it gain, lose or maintain weight or organize one’s finances in a better way, there are ample areas in which we all need improvement, and what better than the beginning of a new year can help give the head start it needs.

But apart from these resolutions affecting our personal day-to-day activities, business sectors too affected in myriad ways by keeping of these resolutions. Let’s see which ones:

1. Health & Fitness

Businesses That Make Profit Due To New Year Resolutions
Eating healthy and working out is by far the resolution taken by maximum number of people than any other. And the recent pandemic has forced people to view health as their biggest asset, thereby increasing the need for staying healthy and eating right. And now, even mental health is stressed upon.

When health goals are on the top of one’s mind, people are more open to change Thus, we have gyms and other wellness centers and health apps seeing an increase in the influx of customers.

With more people resorting to home food in a bid to keep themselves healthier, the restaurant business too sees a slight dip during the first months of the year.


Businesses That Make Profit Due To New Year Resolutions
Another common resolution for income-earners, the year start sees an increase towards personal savings and a dip in purchasing luxury items. Thus, financial planning services and apps that provide the same see an increase in business.

3. Beauty & Wellness

Businesses That Make Profit Due To New Year Resolutions

A resolution to take care of one’s skin and body is another resolution commonly thought of by especially women. And owing to the ongoing wedding season in January in the country, the beauty industry sees immense business during the beginning of the year.

4.Education and Books

Businesses That Make Profit Due To New Year Resolutions
Learning something new like an art or vocation or a language or even a degree course is also on the minds of a lot of people during the year, However, people somehow tend to take this seriously during the beginning of the year with admissions in different courses seeing a rise during this time of the year.

Similarly, buying of books sees a rise too. Be it a subscription to audiobooks or buying them, reading more is often another resolution that is on the top of a lot of people’s list.


Businesses That Make Profit Due To New Year Resolutions

A lot of people are taking the sustainability and going green philosophy seriously. And many begin the new year with resolutions to be a part of maintaining a greener and cleaner environment. Thus, people subscribing to or being part of such initiatives see a rise.

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