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Britannia Milk Bikis With Mindshare India Unveils ‘Parvarish Ki Baat Papa Tripathi Ke Saath’ Campaign

Britannia Milk Bikis, in partnership with Mindshare India, GroupM’s media services agency, has unveiled the latest campaign ‘Parvarish Ki Baat Papa Tripathi Ke Saath’. This comes as a part of its ongoing conversation on parenting being a shared endeavour .

| Published on September 24, 2024

Britannia Milk Bikis With Mindshare India Unveils ‘Parvarish Ki Baat Papa Tripathi Ke Saath’ Campaign

Britannia Milk Bikis, in partnership with GroupM’s media services agency Mindshare India, has launched a campaign- ‘Parvarish Ki Baat Papa Tripathi Ke Saath’.

This comes as a part of its ongoing conversation on parenting being a shared endeavour (growth needs both) and this campaign blends tradition with technology to engage parents in meaningful conversations about shared parenting roles.

The campaign, conceptualised by MullenLowe Lintas Group, roped in the voice of Pankaj Tripathi with an interactive voice response system (IVRS). Tripathi, known as Papa Tripathi shares relatable insights on parenting. Delivered in the local dialects of Uttar Pradesh, these messages encourage parents to participate in their child’s growth and development actively.

As per the brand, in a country where connectivity and technology vary, and access to 4G and smartphones is limited, the heart of this campaign is its adaptive, data-light platform designed specifically for feature phone users. It uses real-time data to tailor voice messages that suit each parent’s environment, ensuring the conversation is always timely and relevant. Over a series of calls, the messages evolve to highlight various aspects of parenting and subtly include Britannia Milk Bikis biscuits.

The campaign culminates in an interactive conference call using mSamwaad, an audio conferencing bridge solution that uses telecom to connect and engage the audience with Tripathi’s AI model, where parents can have their questions answered.

Additionally, the campaign integrates with WhatsApp. By opting in, parents can receive personalised messages with captivating content to encourage them with parenting.

Tripathi’s long association with Britannia through campaigns like ‘Growth aur Masti ka Partner’ aka partner in both growth and fun has highlighted the modern take on parenting by showcasing relatable, enjoyable real-life moments, emphasising the importance of balancing discipline with fun in a child’s upbringing.

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Speaking about the launch, Amit Doshi, Chief Marketing Officer, Britannia said, “Britannia Milk Bikis has long supported parents by providing easy-to-access tools that support better parenting techniques with campaigns like Adengappa. With ‘Parvarish Ki Baat Papa Tripathi Ke Saath,’ we are taking this a step further by combining technology with trust to facilitate open conversations about shared parenting responsibilities. The campaign uses inclusive tech solutions strategically crafted to reach consumers across diverse demographics in low-connectivity areas, ensuring that every parent, no matter where they are, can get insights about shared parenting. This reflects Britannia’s ongoing commitment to leveraging new-age technology to make meaningful connections with our consumers across India.”

To this, Amin Lakhani, Chief Executive Officer- Mindshare, South Asia, said, “In the vast landscape of Rural Bharat, there is a pressing need for solutions that transcend beyond the reaches of the internet. For regions with limited smartphone penetration, our smart solutions for feature phones foster meaningful dialogues with consumers on a significant scale. As marketers, we enable our clients to engage meaningfully through inclusive tech stacks infused with creativity, ensuring connection across the diverse tapestry of many Indias. By harnessing creativity, voice telephony, WhatsApp, Gen AI, and vernacular elements, we pave the way for a new era of personalised solutions for Rural consumers.”

Further, Ram Cobain, Chief Creative Officer, Mullen Lintas, said, “Pankaj Tripathi is very well known; but the sticky ‘Papa’ Tripathi is a fresh character we’ve come up with. In his latest, most natural role, Papa Tripathi digs deep and offers personalised parenting tips to mothers and fathers in UP. This campaign fuses the time-tested IVR system with the latest Gen-AI and some never-out-of-fashion creativity. Cold calls are generally a nuisance- these promise to be both heartwarming and invaluable.”

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