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Brands In India Need To Be Careful About Social Media Marketing Policies

| Published on April 29, 2018

Social media marketing has changed a lot in past few years and its importance is much than it used to be years ago. India is a country known for its diversity of cultures, languages and religions and it becomes necessary for marketers to know the limits of using a powerful tool like digital marketing for the promotion of brands.

After the launch of Jio, India is growing very quickly in terms of a number of users on social media. Most of the users have the habit of checking their Facebook and Instagram accounts frequently to know whats happening in the country.

Responsibility of marketers

Brands In India Need To Be Careful About Social Media Marketing Policies

Marketing and advertising are not only about brands and promotion but companies have a big responsibility on their shoulder as everything they share impacts the thought process of their followers. There is a very thin line between what is apt and what is totally wrong if we talk about the critical present-day issues.

Every employee is a brand ambassador, especially those who handle your social media accounts. In the race of getting high likes and views, it is easy to fall into the trap of posting irrelevant things which are not associated with your brand.

Rules should be updated

Brands In India Need To Be Careful About Social Media Marketing Policies

Guidelines and rules should be updated according to the market needs and this should be followed by all the companies as brand image is something that takes a long time to build up and no one would want to destroy it for a silly mistake on social media.

Using social media in recruitment process

Recruiters must track the profiles before selecting any candidate and a lot of things can be guessed by the posts one has been sharing on social media networks. Social media can play a deciding role in making the final call for hiring someone.

Handling criticism on social media

Brands In India Need To Be Careful About Social Media Marketing Policies

Negative comments and reviews are a part of social media marketing and these can work well if we use as feedback. On the other hand, if we try to shut the mouth of users by replying them with hard words, it can harm the brand image very badly. It is better to apologise if the mistake is done by brand, rather than having an argument.

We hope these points have helped you in knowing things that must be avoided in social media marketing. Do share your thoughts about this in the comments section.

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