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#BlackLivesMatter: How Companies Are Taking A Stand Against Racism

| Published on June 5, 2020

The death of George Floyd by the hands of 4 police officers has caused a nationwide scene of protests in the United States. While the accused police officers have been arrested and have been charged with murder, many African-Americans have come forward in protest towards the age-long racism and atrocities they have faced over centuries in the country.

While people have been protesting on the streets many celebrities and brands have come forward in support of the African-Americans and have expressed their remorse for the death of George Floyd.

Many American Brands have taken to social media to show their support and make their stand clear in the whole situation.


Amazon is one of the biggest US-based brands. The brand posted a tweet urging the people to stop treating the African-Americans with brutality.


Twitter posted a heartfelt tweet with the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on their Twitter Together handle.


The social media platform changed its logo to black in protest to George Floyd’s death. The platform also posted a message with a picture with a hashtag #SHAREBLACKSTORIES.



Nike shared a post on Instagram with a tweak in their famous tag line. It read, ‘For Once Don’t Do It’. Simple yet powerful.


Marvel Studios

Marvel Studios cleared its stand on racism with a tweet that has a powerful message for us all.


Airbnb has come forward and announced a $500,000 donation to the NAACP and the Black Lives Matter organizations.



L’Oreal Pars official posted a picture on Instagram with a wordplay on their tagline. It read ‘Speaking Out Is Worth It’.



Following 2 Jun’20, Spotify has pledged for blackout Tuesday. Following which, select participating playlists and podcasts will include an 8-minute, 46-second track of silence as a solemn acknowledgment for the length of time that George Floyd was suffocated.

#BlackLivesMatter: How Companies Are Taking A Stand Against Racism


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