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How Big Is The App Business & Which Are The Highest Earning apps

| Published on December 11, 2018

Apps today is a big business. Although only a certain kind of apps earn money while others don’t earn at all. But those apps which earn the money is usually in billions of dollars. The earnings of top grossing apps in the world may surprise you.

The substantial growth of smartphones over the past few years has fueled the need for apps like anything. Back in 2014, mobile Internet usage surpassed desktops and 80% of Internet users own smartphones. This phenomenon has only seen an upward growth ever since. These impressive numbers have almost forced Fortune 500 companies and entrepreneurs to get a piece of this modern day gold rush.


Which platforms help the app earn big bucks?


Well when it comes to platforms, Apple’s iOS undoubtedly takes the lead. More than 25% of app developers on Apple earn over $5,000 per month. Android is the second best platform and helps around 16% of its developer to earn the same chunk per month and hence Android is also a well-regarded platform. Blackberry and Windows are clearly not the platforms are an app developer wants to earn handsomely. The penetration of these platforms is very low and hence do not allow much scope for earning.

How Big Is The App Business & Which Are The Highest Earning apps

The Earnings

With estimated global earnings of $34 billion in just first half of 2018, the numbers clearly indicate that app business is on an all-time high. Some of the apps have raked in sizeable earnings, for example, ‘Clash of Clans’ generates $ 1,118,457 revenue per day and King Digital Entertainment’s ‘Candy Crush’ earns roughly $ 884,676 per day through in-app purchases. Not just gaming apps, but other simpler apps have also shown substantial earnings and are on a roll. For example, the relatively simplistic iSteam (a $0.99 app which simulates fogged glass on your phone screen) saw earnings of over $100,000 within one month. Joke app iFart is another simple app that earned over $100,000 in just two weeks. On the Android platform, the $3.99 Car Locator app was reported as earning roughly $13,000 per month.

How Big Is The App Business & Which Are The Highest Earning apps

Leading Android apps in the Google Play Store worldwide in November 2018, by revenue

How Big Is The App Business & Which Are The Highest Earning apps

The Future

The need for apps is on an increase and with the coming of smart TVs, gaming consoles and smart watches, the platforms for apps are also on a rise. This increase in the number of platforms definitely is a sign of various opportunities available for app developers. The future is surely bright for the app developers and will prove to be greatly beneficial for those who get hold of the audience’s pulse.

How Big Is The App Business & Which Are The Highest Earning apps



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