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Airtel Gears Up To Tackle Spam Calls & Messages With AI-Powered Detection Solution

Bharti Airtel (Airtel) has launched a network-based, AI-powered spam detection solution that aims to solve the issue of spam calls and messages for its customers. The solution is free of cost and will get auto-activated for all Airtel customers without any service request or an app.

| Published on September 27, 2024

Airtel Gears Up To Tackle Spam Calls & Messages With AI-Powered Detection Solution

Bharti Airtel (Airtel) has launched a network-based, AI-powered spam detection solution that aims to solve the issue of spam calls and messages for its customers.

As per the company, the tool will alert customers in real-time to all suspected spam calls and SMSes. The solution is free of cost and will get auto-activated for all Airtel customers without them having to raise a service request or download an app.

Developed in-house by the company’s data scientists, the AI-powered solution uses a proprietary algorithm to identify and classify calls and SMSes as “Suspected SPAM”. The network, powered by state-of-the-art AI algorithms, analyses various parameters such as the caller or sender’s usage patterns, call or SMS frequency, call duration amongst several others, on a real time basis. By cross referencing this information against known spam patterns, the system flags suspected spam calls and SMSes accurately, the company stated.

Additionally, the solution also alerts customers to malicious links received via SMS. For this, Airtel has built a centralised database of blacklisted URLs and every SMS is scanned in real time by a state-of-the-art AI algorithm to caution users from accidentally clicking on suspicious links.

Further the company clarified that the solution can also detect anomalies such as frequent IMEI changes- a typical indicator of fraudulent behaviour. By layering these protective measures, the company is ensuring its customers receive the maximum level of defence against the evolving landscape of spam and fraud threats.

Speaking about the development, Gopal Vittal, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Bharti Airtel said, “Spam has become a menace for customers. We have spent the last twelve months to solve this comprehensively. Today marks a milestone as we launch the country’s first AI-powered spam-free network that will shield our customers from the continuous onslaught of intrusive and unwanted communications.”

“Designed as a dual-layer protection, the solution has two filters- one at the network layer and the second at the IT systems layer. Every call and SMS passes through this dual-layered AI shield. In 2 milliseconds our solution processes 1.5 billion messages and 2.5 billion calls every day. This is equivalent to processing 1 trillion records on a real time basis using the power of AI. Our solution has been able to successfully identify 100 million potential spam calls and 3 million spam SMSes originating every day. For us, keeping our customers secure is a burning priority.” he added.

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